Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥
Posted 6 years ago
Lucky you. I need to get back to working on my Sigma costume at some point. Goodness only knows if I'll ever get my rear in gear - then maybe I'd wear it to TooManyGames or RetroCon. Otakon and Zenkaikon (used to be at the Valley Forge convention center but now it's in Lancaster iirc) are a bit too far for me at this point.

I’ve been at an anime con.

I’ve been at an anime con.
Lucky you. I need to get back to working on my Sigma costume at some point. Goodness only knows if I'll ever get my rear in gear - then maybe I'd wear it to TooManyGames or RetroCon. Otakon and Zenkaikon (used to be at the Valley Forge convention center but now it's in Lancaster iirc) are a bit too far for me at this point.
What is TooManyGames?

Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥
Posted 6 years ago
But I've been playing so many games ; n ; that's a lie. i've only been playing apex rip my soul also play apex with me i suck tho
But I want them pretty event items
But I've been too lazy with the counting lanterns thread well kinda
so let's post and chat c; i would offer doodles to tempt everyonebut i'm also.... super... lazy....
But I've been playing so many games ; n ; that's a lie. i've only been playing apex rip my soul also play apex with me i suck tho
But I want them pretty event items
But I've been too lazy with the counting lanterns thread well kinda
so let's post and chat c; i would offer doodles to tempt everyonebut i'm also.... super... lazy....
So how's it going?

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Ixora: It's all good. Yeah, I work at a pretty Low-end hotel. So if I have to leave the desk for whatever reason, I feel like I end up leaving my stuff vulnerable. Decided it wasn't worth losing to some petty thief at work.
@Laufeia: Lol, Actually we're looking forward to the Magic Mike show and Drag Brunch! XD But probably a littttle gambling ya know?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Indeed! Lately its been hot through the day and freezing at night here! D:
@Laufeia: Lol, Actually we're looking forward to the Magic Mike show and Drag Brunch! XD But probably a littttle gambling ya know?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Indeed! Lately its been hot through the day and freezing at night here! D:
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@Ixora: It's all good. Yeah, I work at a pretty Low-end hotel. So if I have to leave the desk for whatever reason, I feel like I end up leaving my stuff vulnerable. Decided it wasn't worth losing to some petty thief at work.
@Laufeia: Lol, Actually we're looking forward to the Magic Mike show and Drag Brunch! XD But probably a littttle gambling ya know?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Indeed! Lately its been hot through the day and freezing at night here! D:
@Laufeia: Lol, Actually we're looking forward to the Magic Mike show and Drag Brunch! XD But probably a littttle gambling ya know?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Indeed! Lately its been hot through the day and freezing at night here! D:
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
The night-time weather at your side sounds so pleasant, I'm almost jealous from that, really.
The double-quoting is unintentional, by the way.
The double-quoting is unintentional, by the way.

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@lupaprinceromulus: yea sure, what's up with you? o:
@lupaprinceromulus: yea sure, what's up with you? o:
Trying to find interesting conversations as of late, while still giving threads like these the bumps they'd need to survive as well.

Posted in WizardsUnite!
Posted 6 years ago

Yeah, I also want a baby unicorn. I don't care that unicorns aren't men-friendly.

Yeah, I also want a baby unicorn. I don't care that unicorns aren't men-friendly.
Why aren't Unicorns men-friendly though?

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tsundererra: LOL just casually looked through a couple of those and wow that's ridiculous
YEEAAA I KNOW ; A; that's why I wanna go!!! and before I get to the next stage in life
hhmmm lemme try that if I have that item o:
@tsundererra: LOL just casually looked through a couple of those and wow that's ridiculous
YEEAAA I KNOW ; A; that's why I wanna go!!! and before I get to the next stage in life
hhmmm lemme try that if I have that item o:
So wanna talk more sometime?

Posted in .:Tsundererra's Little Art Shop:. [All slots taken!/Waitlist is full.]
Posted 6 years ago
@Deaa: Yeaaaah... there’s even a Twitter page dedicated to nightmare art clients called forexposure, so it feels better to know it’s not just me encountering these people.
You should definitely go to Disney one day! The good part about Disney and Universal Studios is that you can go at any age since they have so many different kinds of attractions. Can’t say the same for parks like Six Flags or Busch Gardens though.
I’m surprised there isn’t an item that has flower petals on the ground. The only thing I can think of is the rose princess border pose.
You should definitely go to Disney one day! The good part about Disney and Universal Studios is that you can go at any age since they have so many different kinds of attractions. Can’t say the same for parks like Six Flags or Busch Gardens though.
I’m surprised there isn’t an item that has flower petals on the ground. The only thing I can think of is the rose princess border pose.
Please take this bump, it'll make you a lot happier.
So how's it going?
So how's it going?

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Thanks!
I haven't been productive today though especially with a visiting relative. xD
How have you been? c:
Busy and very sleepy lately, and yeah I'm trying to feel caught up.

Posted in Yo, what's up Docs?
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Well the good thing is you’re being active in the forums, which I like seeing. I’m trying to be as active as possible too. It’s hard to earn volts if there is no one to talk to
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Well the good thing is you’re being active in the forums, which I like seeing. I’m trying to be as active as possible too. It’s hard to earn volts if there is no one to talk to

So how are we doing?
Also, no kidding, if you wanna get up to 10K-20K in Volts in the first week, you need to get into a big thread to start posting at, ASAP.
Also, no kidding, if you wanna get up to 10K-20K in Volts in the first week, you need to get into a big thread to start posting at, ASAP.

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: This party starts...NOW! xD :frizz-celebrate: You can join whenever you want lol.
And nice to meet you too! Hope you're having a wonderful day! c:
@Night XIV: OHHHH. Well, it's also been three days since i replied to you. xD
Spotty wifi sucks! LMAO bruh he just shaded his own company. xDD
Same to you too, really.

Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥
Posted 6 years ago

I am sure some people will have leftovers at the end of the event.

I am sure some people will have leftovers at the end of the event.
Little Crane:

Some one posted the items, so I am hoping for all of them. Tis unlikely at this point.

Some one posted the items, so I am hoping for all of them. Tis unlikely at this point.
Lets use all the colors!
Lets use all the colors!
That sucks, hopefully you can get the items you want though! ^_^
Pleased to meet you folks.

Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥
Posted 6 years ago
Ah, it is now midnight and I have succesfully returned from my snacc quest...I shall have to bid you all goodnight and hope your days go nicely~
Ah, it is now midnight and I have succesfully returned from my snacc quest...I shall have to bid you all goodnight and hope your days go nicely~
Same to you too, remember to break that 4th wall as needed.

Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥
Posted 6 years ago

@LupaPrinceRomulus: for some goals, I'd go far
Okay, going to throw my pizza in the oven now and then eat it.
I'll be back *poof*

@LupaPrinceRomulus: for some goals, I'd go far
Okay, going to throw my pizza in the oven now and then eat it.
I'll be back *poof*
Please don't be a stranger, whatever you do.

Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥
Posted 6 years ago

@Ixora: yeah, always. I know all the dogs in the area and they know that, if they're good puppies, they get something
And they're always good puppies.
Okay, see you@
@LupaPrinceRomulus: everyone has good and evil in them, so I think they all made the magicians to that image

@Ixora: yeah, always. I know all the dogs in the area and they know that, if they're good puppies, they get something
And they're always good puppies.
Okay, see you@
@LupaPrinceRomulus: everyone has good and evil in them, so I think they all made the magicians to that image
With the both of them, albeit in different ways, you often need to ask yourself this:
How far are you prepared to go, what are you prepared to do to have your goals met to the end?
Each of the two offer different contrasts, situations, THEMES when exploring their pasts.
How far are you prepared to go, what are you prepared to do to have your goals met to the end?
Each of the two offer different contrasts, situations, THEMES when exploring their pasts.