Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in Event art shop + freebies.
Posted 6 years ago
@lupaprinceromulus: You asked about Nier before... same answer.
And yeah, i"ve seen kill la kill.
@unicorn: Gosh, yeah,. I'm trying to work out in this weather too (went for a mile walk today and it was brutal. D; )
Ahh, as long as it's getting slightly better, that's still good!!!
@ultra fury pompadour: HEYYYY. I KNOW YOU! XD
Oh noes! I can give you some. O AO
@lupaprinceromulus: You asked about Nier before... same answer.
And yeah, i"ve seen kill la kill.
@unicorn: Gosh, yeah,. I'm trying to work out in this weather too (went for a mile walk today and it was brutal. D; )
Ahh, as long as it's getting slightly better, that's still good!!!
@ultra fury pompadour: HEYYYY. I KNOW YOU! XD
Oh noes! I can give you some. O AO
The repeated question was unintended.
Also that's awesome, that makes some things easier, really. :3
Also that's awesome, that makes some things easier, really. :3

Posted in Marketing Voltra
Posted 6 years ago

Pillowfort has closed registration. They will make it possible for existing users soon to generate invite keys but that's it. Otherwise you need to pay a $5 fee to join.

Pillowfort has closed registration. They will make it possible for existing users soon to generate invite keys but that's it. Otherwise you need to pay a $5 fee to join.
So for the time being, until existing users can start generating new keys, a moot point that's out of the question for now.

Posted in Marketing Voltra
Posted 6 years ago

@LupaPrinceRomulus: nope none of those yet.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: nope none of those yet.
Well that's a bummer, potential members can be had from this site and vice-versa.

Posted in Get your artsu while it's fresh
Posted 6 years ago
She's an Aphrodite kid and she's one of 'mine,' more or less.
Long fuzzy story really, you'd wanna take a crack at drawing her sometime?
She's an Aphrodite kid and she's one of 'mine,' more or less.
Long fuzzy story really, you'd wanna take a crack at drawing her sometime?

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
297 around here.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@LupaPrinceRomulus: o.o It's for being cute D:
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
No I mean why the ring's location is dubbed the Septum Ring area.

Posted in Yo, what's up Docs?
Posted 6 years ago

my syndrone avy : D

my syndrone avy : D
Okay now THAT is awesome stuff right there!!!

Posted in Marketing Voltra
Posted 6 years ago

@uwu: there are instagram and twitter accounts now.

@uwu: there are instagram and twitter accounts now.
But no Pillowfort accounts for the site yet, though.

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY
Posted 6 years ago
I can't seem to figure out what they're really about.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@LupaPrinceRomulus: A septum piercing is the one that sits right under the nose, like a bull's nose ring.
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
So that's what it's for.

Posted in art freebs~
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ohhh this is so cool and I love the pose! Did you make this??
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ohhh this is so cool and I love the pose! Did you make this??

No but the 'OC/PC' drawn here is mine.

Posted in art freebs~
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Hello and sure :D. I know youre rather new to voltra, how do you feel about everything so far?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Hello and sure :D. I know youre rather new to voltra, how do you feel about everything so far?

I'm still looking to the art sections thus far, but does this strike your fancy?

It's an awesome image really.

It's an awesome image really.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I'm hanging in there, little stressed but also excited!
I'm saving up for a trip in Early October and Im getting my Septum pierced Wednesday!
I'm saving up for a trip in Early October and Im getting my Septum pierced Wednesday!
...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.
What's a Septum?

Posted in Event art shop + freebies.
Posted 6 years ago
@lupaprinceromulus: Yeah, some of the threads are pretty slow here. Happens.
I'm pretty sure I did, yeah. It's been awhile though.
@lupaprinceromulus: Yeah, some of the threads are pretty slow here. Happens.
I'm pretty sure I did, yeah. It's been awhile though.
Good to know, and also you checked out Nier: Automata or Kill La Kill before?