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Posted in Yo, what's up Docs? Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: It really is. You should talk to her one day if you ever get the chance.

How often does she go to the site though, in any case?
Posted in Yo, what's up Docs? Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I'm not sure. She hasn't been online for a few hours so I'm assume she's a) asleep or b) busy. She should be back tomorrow though. She and I have been on many avatar sites together in the past (we actually met back in 2009/2010 on a website called Chiniba), and we have been best friends ever since. I dragged her here and she said she likes it so far, so I'm trying to keep her active.

Sounds like a long yet fun story you folks got going on, no lies about it.
Posted in Yo, what's up Docs? Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Of course. We've talked a good bit and we can always talk as much as you want so I thought I might as well. Lol.
It's going pretty well, I have been working A LOT lately so I'm kinda exhausted. I passed out when I got home and woke up around midnight, now I'm posting on here because most of my other friends are asleep right now. I was hoping my friend Goss would get back on here so we can chat in my hang out but I think she's asleep.

How is it going for you?

I bought a Dormouse from Laufeia, so I was below 1k earlier, but since posting in the event forum I am back up to 1.5k. I'm trying to save up for some of the older collectibles so I need about 17k~ on average. I feel like on average I can get a good 1k-2k each day, depending how much I am posting.

So you got any idea when Goss will show up?
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
When will 123 Lanterns be used? I dunno but I DO know I got them.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
120 Lanterns for me.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
So now do I got 117 Lanterns at the moment.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
I got 114 in Lanterns.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
111 lanterns currently, this really is fun.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
108 lanterns for me.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
Now 105 Lanterns.
Posted in How many lanterns do you have Posted 6 years ago
102 Lanterns as of today.
Posted in Yo, what's up Docs? Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Whenever it gets kinda slow on here, I usually jump over to the 'How Many Lanterns' thread and just post how many lanterns on there. It's not really a place to have conversations, but you definitely get a good number of lanterns and you get volts for posting too. That's what I'm currently doing to get extra volts and collecting the event items. Maybe you want to hope over there whenever you don't have anybody to talk to? It's not much for conversation but it is a good volt resource. lol
Also thank you for accepting my friend request!

Thanks for sending me that request too, really.
Also how's it going?
I should go head back to that thread in that case, it sounds like fun.
Posted in Yo, what's up Docs? Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I'm doing well, how about you?
Oh I know. I'm not having too much issue getting volts surprisingly. I've been buying a lot of stuff tho, and now saving up for another item. I have about 1.5k after spending another 1.5k, but I've been posting as much as I can. How is your volt collecting coming along?

3K-4K in Volts isn't 'too shabby,' but I'd wanna aim to get 10K-20K in volts from the first week of joining alone, really. Like I said, to do that I need to get into bigger conversations.
Posted in I need to catch up on event ╥﹏╥ Posted 6 years ago
Little Crane:

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Hello.

@Ixora: Time zones indeed making coordination complicated.


I’ve been at an anime con.

Lucky you. I need to get back to working on my Sigma costume at some point. Goodness only knows if I'll ever get my rear in gear - then maybe I'd wear it to TooManyGames or RetroCon. Otakon and Zenkaikon (used to be at the Valley Forge convention center but now it's in Lancaster iirc) are a bit too far for me at this point.

What is TooManyGames?

It's a video game convention in Pennsylvania hosted at the Oaks Convention Center. Pretty sure RetroCon is also hosted there but I don't remember.

I wore my "fat Proto Man" costume to a horror con several years ago. Hoping this goes better since I'm actually making the costume rather than just selecting clothing that looks about right.

Pleased to meet you too.
Also, 'Fat Proto Man' is to Proto-Man what Bad Box Art MegaMan is to Megaman I take it.