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Posted in Hi, it's me! Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Hello Prince, it is an honor to have you in my humble thread. :frizzhappy:

It looked like an introduction thread, so I felt like greeting you from there if that's okay with the rules.
Posted in Closed Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: The weather here is actually pretty good.
It was gorgeous, warm, but gorgeous earlier when I was out =)

♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

You don't say.

Also, sometimes I'd wonder what's going on with those I've talked to sometimes, and ever went to Discord before?
Posted in Closed Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Cool~
Would you prefer Digital or Traditional?
(traditional is cute, but Digital for chibis does tend to be quicker and easier. XD)

And I'd eat, but I gotta conserve the food I have for the next few days. I'm down to scraps between now and Wednesday, when I get money and can get more groceries. XD

♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

Traditional can at least help figure out what can be next up, a lot better.

And yeah, the weather at your side sounds pretty whacked-out to me really, no lies about it.
Posted in Howdy howdy Posted 6 years ago
@Bioshock: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
@Bioshock: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

We hope you have a good day.
Also how's your weekend?
Posted in Closed Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Eh, my day was all right. I'm ridiculously hungry atm though. //dies

Chibi ok? You never did say anything here nor there abotu that. (If not, lemme know~<3)

♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

Dinner and Dessert can help you out at these times.
I can't say I mind, sounds like a good start to me.
Posted in Fran's Cardboard Box Posted 6 years ago

Boxing with literal Boxes be a thing, pleased to meet'cha.
Posted in Hi, it's me! Posted 6 years ago
I figured I'd make my own thread for just chatting about whatever. There's no theme or anything like that. Feel free to drop in and say hello. ^^

Howdy there, Garrister.
Posted in Closed Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sorry for the delay, but yeah. Trades are how =)

As for 1-2k, I could easily do a cute chibi for ya for that ^ ^

♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

We can keep talking in the meantime, I don't mind talking while we wait, also how's your day going?
@Deaa: Woooo, I’m glad you like it! :’) Hopefully you’ll like Aniya and Derik’s too. Aniya came out reeeeeeally nice. And Derik’s floating head is beautiful. x’D I’m sad I couldn’t get Meeta in the pic. I love white wolves~ but true, she can star in her own pic.

@lupaprinceromulus: Sorry, I’m currently on vacation, so my replies are going to be spotty too. But thanks for trying to bump this up. I don’t think my thread will die anytime soon since I have a lot of good people waiting, but I appreciate it~ :3

Well here's another bump for your thoughts, better 'safe' now than sorry later really.
Posted in Hey there~ Laila here! Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...

@Laufeia: Uuuuugh, That is absolutely the worst. I used to be really meek and timid, so I would let people do that to me a lot. Especially in the Technology realm. I played dumb and let them tell me the same stuff over and over that I'd already tried. Finally, I got this job. Its an awful job. It's like.. One step above shady hotels you see in movies with hookers and such. That meek attitude had to go dealing with the people here. Now sometimes my boss treats me like I don't know how to use the PC and it grinds my gears so bad I end up telling him, ".. Boss. I built a PC two years ago. I have repaired every PC I owned since I was 12. And Many of them still work."
It's a ballsy move but I think he's starting to get that Im not a total idiot.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: I have in fact played Hatoful BF! That is another one that didn't really scratch my raising sim/dating sim itch but the story was kooky so I appreciated it quite a bit.

...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

I can tell I need to play me more Hatoful Boyfriend sometime, this game is for the birds after all.
Posted in Hey there~ Laila here! Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Oh for sure, there's much to be praised with it. From Character design to storyline, It is still fantastic and that's part of why I played it at all. Usually If it says Visual Novel, I won't touch it. It's just too slow paced for me and not enough options. When I play Princess Makers or Raising Sims as they're often called, I prefer a lot of freedom and choices. Same with old-school dating sims. Now, a lot of games have Dating Sim stuck on Visual novels which to me, is a big lie. Visual Novels tell a story with a few option choices that lead you down a path. Dating Sims require you to not only make choices like that, but also require you to raise up different stats to reach requirements for each girl. That's kind of how I felt LLtQ was for me. They labeled it a Raising Sim and it operates like one, but because you need to meet these checkpoints so badly or you die and fail entirely, I didn't feel the freedom of guiding your character to one ending or another.

@Laufeia: Oof. Sounds stressful. Is it a big move? Make sure they don't try to charge you for that! If they're sleazy enough to not fix it, you gotta watch out for them trying to charge you on the exit. x.x Ugh.
They told my BFF who just moved from Michigan to here with me that he was fine leaving his apartment with only 2-3 weeks notice then charged him the month of May in rent saying his lease didn't end til the END of May.. which is bull! $600 we're on the line for now :/ They kept his whole deposit because despite it being a smoking apartment they charged him with severe nicotine damage too. Just a nightmare these companies..

...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

It feels like the more we look at it, generally speaking the more it's best said 'some genres aren't meant to overlap' apparently.
That said, L.L.T.Q is now famous for how difficult a game it is first, and a lot of its list of things its definitely done right, second.

Tried Hatoful Boyfriend before?
Posted in Hey there~ Laila here! Posted 6 years ago
Laila blinks sleepily, mumbling to you...

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Eh, Some people like that. It's just not the freedom I like in my games for sure. It feels too rigid for me. But others treat it more akin to a Visual Novel where Choices are kind of few and far between. And that's okay, Hell, I even played LLtQ but it just didn't hold my interest as much once I realized I had less freedom.

@Laufeia: I use this while AT work and still feel dead all the time x.x My house is wrecked right now, honestly.
Ugh. I never feel like cooking or cleaning, or anything x.x;

...And with a yawn, she nestles back in to her blankets to nap.

'Long Live the Queen' is darker than first glances suggest, besides the challenge, I think part of the draw in playing that game is for the cast and world-building in it.
Plus, the titular Queen looks like Sailor Moon's little girl for some reason or another, or at least LOOKS like a Reality-warping pink-haired lady, that has to mean something in terms of designs.
Posted in Closed Posted 6 years ago
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: I can try the dress first. I'm just not 100% sure about how it'll look in the end. I can sketch it up and you can see kinda thing before deciding on something else, if you'd like.

Also, do you have an offer to go with it?

♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

The better question is, well more like two questions instead of one but one, what will 1K-2K in volts get me, and uh second of all, how do you pay for the art around these parts?
Is it with the Trading feature or something if I may ask?
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: HAIR? CHECK, CLOTHES? CHECK! i really am so thankful you got the fur ; u;
lol it's okay, Meeta can get her own art~

@lupaprinceromulus: i'm always down for a chat o:
i'm just at work for another hour and some change, so replies may be more spotty lol

I gotta check some things at home anyways, but I hope your day is turning up pleasant so far.
Plus, this is an amazing art shop from what I'm seeing so far, and I wanna help keep it alive.