Mathonwy's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@wildfire: Hello! I'm sorry I disappeared for a bit there. Things got mostly resolved now. I've been doing a lot of creative stuff lately and got swept up in it, but it was very good for me. I actually had a really wonderful week! Today my housemate's boyfriend is coming over, so hopefully I'll get some free food! I wrote about 20,000 words in the last week and composed two songs, started a new girl band, it was just a great week for me even though I'm still feeling a bit down on a few things. I don't think I'll reproduce that anytime soon though! XD
I'm looking forward to seeing my mother and family. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year. I have a turkey thawing in the refrigerator and I'm ready to go! How have you been? Any Thanksgiving plans?
I'm looking forward to seeing my mother and family. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year. I have a turkey thawing in the refrigerator and I'm ready to go! How have you been? Any Thanksgiving plans?

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@koah: Awesome! I'd love that! (Sorry I disappeared for a few days there.)

Posted in Favorite Apple Varieties
Posted 2 years ago
Texture seems to be really important for a lot of people, but I honestly don't feel that picky about it (unless it's really unusual or unsatisfactory: very grainy varieties like Mollie's Delicious, or ones that are too watery and feel like biting into watermelon more than apple).
@justice: I love it here!
@justice: I love it here!

Posted in Just arrived!
Posted 2 years ago
@totalanimefan: I'm pretty hopeful that I'll make some new friends soon, or reconnect with some of my older ones. I was thinking of doing something old school like joining a bowling league (I'm not great at bowling though, just for fun), or a sportsman club to practice my archery, start a band or ensemble with some people, stuff like that. I know a lot of people from work and the community and stuff because I used to be quite involved in things before I got sick and before the pandemic mess. I know I can do that again if I just get myself up and take a few chances with people.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@koah: If you ever want to show me your apple trees / apples, feel free to post a picture somewhere in one of my threads! I have an apple thread somewhere around here, as you'd imagine lol XD

Posted in Now that October is wrapping up, what are you looking forward to before 2023?
Posted 2 years ago
@lotus: Kidds Orange Red is one of the parents of Gala! (The other is Golden Delicious.) Gravenstein is very easy to grow, and they are pretty little apples. It's kind of like a McIntosh in flavor, but a bit fruitier and no so much of a floral taste. They're a bit mushy though. I like the drier kinds of apples, but I know most people these days are looking for a juicy crunch in their apples.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
Hi Wildfire and everyone! Sorry I wasn't around yesterday to talk to you. It was just a bad day for me for some reason, I was feeling very emotional. I had written some stuff that got to me, ended up crying at work just thinking about things. I feel great today, though! I hope everyone is doing well! My only questing for today is to find some pizza. XD

Posted in Just arrived!
Posted 2 years ago
@totalanimefan: That's good to hear that you like where you are now! I like living where I do as well. I like the culture out here, the "vibe" if you will. I could probably go out and meet more people if I wanted to, but it's hard sometimes. Even when you meet people, everyone has different jobs, is available at different times, some have spouses and children and other responsibilities that make them less available even if you manage to forge friendships. Maybe at my age I shouldn't really be looking for people to "hang out with" on a regular basis anyway, so maybe that's on me for not growing up enough and keeping pace. I think if I had a boyfriend I'd be a lot less lonely.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@wildfire: Hey, don't you joke about that, because coddling moth is a mighty villain, and I shall have my victory over my apple kingdom!
I think the Disney Princess I relate to most is Rapunzel. I'm kind of sheltered with an overbearing mother who comes across as a little naive about most things, and yet I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'm plucky and upbeat, so to speak! A friend of mine actually drew me as a theoretical Disney Princess once. Just your standard apple-loving princess equipped with my grafting knife and sunhat! XD
I think the Disney Princess I relate to most is Rapunzel. I'm kind of sheltered with an overbearing mother who comes across as a little naive about most things, and yet I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'm plucky and upbeat, so to speak! A friend of mine actually drew me as a theoretical Disney Princess once. Just your standard apple-loving princess equipped with my grafting knife and sunhat! XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@koah: I really like all the non-Princess Disney stuff, too! I should watch more things. I have a penchant for just watching the same two dozen movies and shows over and over again.

Posted in Just arrived!
Posted 2 years ago
@totalanimefan: Kind of a combination of things. I moved away from a lot of my core friends some years ago, a lot of the work friends I made after that kind of fizzled out after a few years, and then I spent too much time cultivating a few very close online friendships that often fizzled out as well. Then there was the pandemic, and I was undergoing a lot of heavy treatments for the past couple of years. Next thing I knew, I was a lot older than I remember!

Posted in Now that October is wrapping up, what are you looking forward to before 2023?
Posted 2 years ago
@lotus: Thank you! I grow Gravenstein and Kidd's Orange Red.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 2 years ago
@wildfire: I feel like the princess thing is considered bad these days by a lot of people, but I was definitely one of those girls who literally wanted to be a princess and have never gotten over the fact that I'm not LOL

Posted in Favorite Apple Varieties
Posted 2 years ago
@feralgaythem: No worries! I just like telling folks about apples they might also enjoy based on their favorites.