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Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Alia starchild: You've admitted to it! There's no take backs. *nods*

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Alia starchild: D: It takes a butt to know a butt. So HA.

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Alia starchild: My butt isn't that big... :( It's medium at best.

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Alia starchild: WOT. You has IRL FRIENDS?! Where do you find these magical beings!? D: They don't exist heerree.. what are gamers.
Yeah no problem! XD I get it.

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Alia Starchild: Ahh I see! DW I don't rly ranked either, people are too uppity there. O_O;;;
Also the 190 ping doesn't help for my state of being... but I ono. WE SHUD PLAY SOMETIME? =D

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: It's too hard. :( I just wanna draw more when it looks good..

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

Also I tend to go hard on my gesture drawings, it hurts.. LOL

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :( But but.. huu. I also find it's helpful to draw fat things. (hue chibis)
I such at routines though..

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Oh that's simple, you use [imgleft] [/img] instead of just img.
But yeah I been trying to remove my "stiff" from my drawings- it happens when I don't grasp the proportions and perspective properly.. + anatomy ofc. Those 3 basics hurt.

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Hrmm yeah then smaller is gonna be good. Is it gonna be aligned to the side? :o Also yeah it's not centered LOLOL Y U MESS UP. Jk It looks pretty good tbh

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Are they wrong tho? Oooh is it gonna be like a side post? :D It's def a bit too big for my tastes but even I would feel a bit sad if you made it smaller.. :(
@ishoji: WOWOW PICS OR U LIE. :( *squishes your bunbun cheeks*
Oh uh, that's really up to you! I can easily make do with and without, I'mwe're really happy with how the letters turned out so I didn't feel any need to bug you 'bout it! I also totally hoped to be done before test but, we're gonna both have to hold on for at least four more days before I can work on art! *FINGERS CROSSED*

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Yaaay! Small post formats for duh win!

@ishoji: wowow, a cupid huh? CUPID BUNNY? :DD DAWWW.
Why is everything about you cute o_e

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Wowowoow pat yourself on duh back there huh.

Oh oh I do wanna see. :o Post or thread format?!

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: I'm almost at 5k again! I am in awe people have 50k upwards just sitting there... lifegoals LOL.
*posty posty post*

It tastes like cotton candy!