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Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: LOL.. I was pretty distracted with all the things... I did want to see it now that you mention it. I didn't ask for these feels..

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

*Dusts diligently* ....

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Do you think they did in the end? LOL

And that looks like an easy fix if ever.. but I really don't notice it much.. *squints harder*

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: It was very cute bromance. Banner always makes me go squee. He's so cute. I also like the new chick and how much she drinks...

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Yeah, even brought Paula with us XD We all liked it.
Dr. Strange is awesome. :D Also, their onee-san is amazing and I was aroused by her the entire time... dat voice mmhmm.

It tastes like cotton candy!
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 7 years ago
Have a bubbly ~ ?

Yeah but totalanime, I don't think anything calls for 50k!
Daanng, vengeance you too! I admire your posting vitality and self restraint to buy every common in all the colors...

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Alia Starchild: I'm pretty darn sure it's gonna get some nerfs, it usually happens. :D What game mode do you like to play?!

@Saeyra: nonon, it's gonna STAY gone, mmk?
Also, guess who just watched Thor Ragnarok

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: WELL YEAH! Soup with bread tho?! Soak it in that soupy goodnesss mmmm carbs :D
Is your fever gone?

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: :vanora_cry: ...heat up some soup..?

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: :vanora_cry: why are you cooking while you are sick!! Or recovering! Bad! *Smack* GO REST AND MAKE HUBBY COOK! D:<

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Well damn if you're gonna butter me up that welll.. :vanora_embarrassed:

It tastes like cotton candy!
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 7 years ago
Have a bubbly ~ ?

Holy lawd! Totalanimefan you are very good at saving up! Haha.. I have 4,922

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Saeyra: Waow, not even a hello or goodmorning. :(

It tastes like cotton candy!
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Lunakiri: Ooh, that's not a bad start at all! :D It's definitely coming along.

It tastes like cotton candy!