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@crimsonqueen97: ...!! *awaits eagerly* dude, FRECKLES? Crim is a cute producing machine! I am super stoked to get more art and see more of your pixels! *bought your eyes first thing*

@Taemins Lover: New hair, new colors, good enough to me. XD I like dah pastelllll scheme.

@Cookie: AHH YOU PINK CREATURE! BEEN TOO LONG.. too long! Speaking of... *satisfied now*

@E m: Heya! :vanora_embarrassed: Thank you for saying so! Always nice to see new people pop up!

@Taemins Lover: Heya Tae :D Cute avatar, I like the new blues a lot.

@Kaderin triste: That really sucks! I'm glad it's nothing permanent though, I'd probably die inside if I was seriously injured especially with my hands.

@Kaderin Triste: ey! Rockin' a new look there.
A wrist injury? How come?! What happened? :o

(I might disappear- about time for me to sleep.)

@lady luna: Thanks! Finally got to use the alice set! lol

@crimsonqueen97: BYTHEWAY. I SUPERDUPERLOVE THESE EYES. They are soooo fugggin ccccuuuutte.
Also expressions for her is like, a small shy smile or a small frown, not super expressive. :D ALSO, I'll edit the post I forgot to put a note... she has an eyepatch on her left eye (her right). >.<

@kaderin triste: :vanora_sweat: ahhh that site is super under my radar! How've you been doing?

@crimsonqueen97: I am SO HAPPY you are heeere eomfmfg.
Would you be willing to draw this gurl?
Her name is Muriel, she's got an eyepatch on her right eye. (Our left!)

I'll offer 4k!

Have a bubbly ~ ?

@neko: Thank you again! XD Wish I had made more while the site was down.

Made by yours truly, nyan~
Have a bubbly ~ ?

@Luna: Yeah! Video games are da best. :]
@dragon: yeah they are great!
@saeyra: Heya. :] Finally showin' off that post-style... after 3 months, haha!
@Queen prisma: :o T-thank you for saying so! :vanora_embarrassed:
@Neko: Thank you for stopping by to say so !
@Kaderin triste: Long time no see. :]

Made by yours truly, nyan~
Have a bubbly ~ ?

Yeah I really missed these guys! :bernard_happy:
Pretty good, got through holidays, work and playing video games!

Made by yours truly, nyan~
Have a bubbly ~ ?

One of my most favorite things is being able to use these emojis again :vanora_cry:
Your tombstone>

Hey Luna

Made by yours truly, nyan~
Have a bubbly ~ ?

!! *harasses you back with all the emojis!*

Made by yours truly, nyan~
Have a bubbly ~ ?

*dusts the cobwebs and sweeps the floor*
:vanora_sweat: Well, sure got dirty in here!

Made by yours truly, nyan~
Posted in It's all so quiet Posted 7 years ago
Have a bubbly ~ ?

Also I always seem to be on those "quiet" screenshots... y u make it obvious I never log off :vanora_xd:

Made by yours truly, nyan~