Miss Kitty's posts
Posted in How many fuses do you have?
Posted 7 years ago

@Juneberry: You get around 7 each post I believe ^^ I think its between like... 6 - 9 currency per post. Its random ^^

Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago

Completely both ;) lol I have two cats, and happen to be wearing a pair of kitty ears right now so..both ^^
Oh! That is where you can stick your pronoun(s) if you want. You can change it in your settings. But...I'm a rebel (pfft), so instead of a pronoun, I just put random things in there every now and then lol

Posted in Hello.
Posted 7 years ago

Hey there!
I wouldn't say its a downer of a post
It could be taken inspirational, really.
Life can suck and the smallest of things, things that may seem unneeded or dumb to others or even ourselves, can be the things we need the most.
I stick here because while I'm an introvert, and talking to people tends to freak me out/give me anxiety...I need the social interaction in my life or my life is gonna go to hell in a basket.
So glad to have you aboard ^^ We have an event going, if you are interested <3

Posted in A new berry in the snack aisle
Posted 7 years ago

@Juneberry: I do get a feeling I've seen that username before, so maybe we have ^^
LOL That has to be entertaining. I'd be doing that to soo many people :x

Posted in A new berry in the snack aisle
Posted 7 years ago

@Juneberry: WOW!! I have...100% failed that. Sorry I was just talking to someone about that site and so it must have still be on my mind as I was typing to you lol My bad xD
And Yeah, I believe you are right about the memories thing. Strange how smells can do that. So can you not smell anything at all, or are there like...really strong stuff you can smell? I have a friend who's taste is gone, and while she can't taste anything, she said something about spicy food..not sure if she can taste it exactly but because its a 'strong' taste, she gets some sort of feeling over it i guess.

Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago

Hi there again, Juneberry ^^

Posted in A new berry in the snack aisle
Posted 7 years ago

Hi there! Welcome to Voltra (shhhhh xD)
What is my favorite smell...This is actually easy for me to explain. Its my grandma / her house. Not even I can tell you exactly what it is, so this works out great :P Its smells of...home, comfort...its gentle, nothing strong or overwhelming. The 'just right' kind of smell. The kind of smell you recognize right away and it makes you smile and feel at ease. Thats what mine is ^_^

Posted in How many fuses do you have?
Posted 7 years ago

80 fuses. Slowly getting back up there lol

Posted in Fast chatting pitstop
Posted 7 years ago

@Fielkun: Hey there! Hows it going?

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Eruca: Ah its actually based on a character from a web comic I'm reading ^^ Just wish we had elf ears ;-;
@Adore: Hey there ^^ Doing okay on this end, thanks for asking. How about yourself?

Posted in The event items...
Posted 7 years ago

I very much agree with this post completely ^^

Posted in How many fuses do you have?
Posted 7 years ago

You're more than halfway there, Raxton ^^

Posted in Vyctor's Gear Design Contest!
Posted 7 years ago

Same here Dipdip. We need more elemental stuff ^^

Posted in Elegant Dress
Posted 7 years ago

Oh shoot. I didn't even see this until now! How pretty!!