Miss Kitty's posts
Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Raxton: Hey there, Raxton ^^ How are you doing?
@Len: I don't think many people recognize the cosplay. So he gets excited when people do :P
@Dipper: My lips are sealed :x

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

Uh Oh I feel like @dipper: is gonna flail after reading that :P

Posted in The Curious Case of Vontell
Posted 7 years ago

Dowan being super clever ^^

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Dipper: Hm I wonder how they do it then. Can you imagine if they do the three pages in less than a week??

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Dipper: Yeah thats a lot of work o.o Plus they have to submit it, right? Or does it go right through?

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Dipper: It does. One week is far too long ;-; Yay screenshot ^^

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Dipper: Why would you forget?! You can't forget or Humphrey will be upset...more upset >>;
@Miku: No problem ^^ I believe its only 'daily' because every 24 hours a new choice has to be made. So in the next few hours, Vontell should post with two new options and we'll get to pick that ^^

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@vengeance: Ah that doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. They can't replace the slower person?
@Dipper: For Harpy of course! ^^
@Miku: Ah. I have the black hair style if that'll help?

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Miku: That would be in this thread https://www.voltra.us/forum/view_topic/2760/ and all you have to do is ping/mention Vontell and pick either
Visit Vivienne's Shop OR Visit the Café -- and yeah previews aren't workin in the shop for some reason. Is there a certain one you wanted to see? I have em so can show them if you want.
@vengeance: Ah okay. US factories scare me. Always seem way overworked. Hope its not like that there

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@KeirenKiren: Ahh..nevermind then >> I'm down in the states, but I've been to the canada side of niagra falls before if that counts xD
@vengeance: Yeah dont blame ya. What do you do for work, if you don't mind me asking ^^
@Miku: No worries. They can be confusing at first ^^ Theres another game that all you have to do is participate and you'll get something after the event ends. Its just saying option one or two as the little story progresses. Very easy.

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Eruca: Ew will they at least be fun meetings?
@vengeance: Ah, how was work? ^^
@Miku: Ah yeah its just a mini game thing lol don't have to do it if you dont want to ^^

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Miku: You just post, get currency, then buy event items with that currency from the event shop ^^ AND HI!
@vengeance: Doing pretty good to be honest. How about you?

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@KeirenKiren: Huh We had that too o.o Wonder if you are close by then.

Posted in Come and Recharge with me! (geddit?)
Posted 7 years ago

@Dipper: ^_^ Yay!! Boops! *glomps* Morning Dipdip! 4 more days :x
@vengeance: Hey there ^^