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Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes yes you definetly deserve a new president wich isnt trump........ *nods*
no i dont report them but i block my boss on my social media accounds and my phone because she wouldnt stop massaging me after i dropped out! and call me a bad person and so on.... this woman lives in her own world where she and her husband (not a nice person as well) are the ultimate kind and caring people.....
i will get her through this though! ^^ i just hope she will be healthy >_<
yes lonesome hero is an item as well i dont really apprecate! i also saw noone ever wear it
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: oh lord........ this sucks so hard! how is it even possible to live that way!? i just had one workplace 2 years ago they cheated with the vacationdays..... you just get 20 vacationdays a year but need to work saturdays! thats forbidden in germany..... and the owners also were pretty annoying and stalking every move i make! i just work there for 3 months. obvious reasons!
she will drool on it if she gets teeth i fear this phase the little one will so much be in pain! ;A; and yes foxes are adorable >w<

dramatical annoys me to its so plain and i got it alot too XD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: oh damn japan is a really hard working country!but now your back in the us right?? is it there hard too to take vacation?? in germany you have 20-30 days vacation a year depending where youre working and you can plan them the whole year. most of the peepz want to go on summer vacation so you dont probablyy get the vacation time you want.

well for me the cutest i already buy her are rompers with little fox feet! and a cute dragon snuggle cloth >w< my BF and i both choose this as her first toy ^^
you can see here ^^
and i got so many cute rompers, socks, hats, jackets gifted that i cant count them XD

aww iam sure if i open some orbs i will get many doubles too =)
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: thank you very much :D
@inatlaka: we had family time with my BF´s family too because i probably dont will see them anymore until the babies there ^^ than i writhe an analysis for my BF. had to wash a ton of clothes and had my first false labor contractions. the baby is fine today she really is active again =)) i love this feeling ^^
i bough her today beanies with teddy ears ;A; so cute!
the stove came right in time for winter right =D? my dad told me on weekend there will be possibly snow!
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: why they didnt let you off D; thats mean! i hope next year you will be more lucky!!! and hawaii sounds so wonderful *_* no i dont will put her in a swimsuit just a hat and a swimdiapear will do for babies this little >w< also i just end up buying stuff for her today as well! i need to stop i have so many clothes already xDDD today i bring little baby beanies with bear ears with me..... why are babies just so adorable! ^^ and i buy my BF an papa pass and an baby manual for nikolaus holiday! xD i saw so pretty baby books today *___*
yes its a bit sad and i will sleep and will buy tomorrow morning the stuff =) and no bundles for me they are to expensive ^^
@inatlaka: i had much todo the last days =) how was your weekend going?
@inatlaka: okay okay i joined XDD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: oh our first MAYBE vacation is next year with the little one with his whole family we might go on a triep to the germany east sea =) its an classical destinations for germany though but i never was truly there so yes ^^ it will be great! ^^
and yes but i hate they release them so late so i need to wait the whole night on them ;A;
will you go on a vacation next year =)?
@inatlaka: hey ina whats going on =)?
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: it will be epic even my BF would love to go with but i forbid him and told him if our little one is bigger we could go with them some day =)) the last time i stayed complete alone el diablo troed to kill me XD so with baby and alone no thank you! and dear i donated i got some money on my hand =)
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: english is more importand for him he will next year visit America again. My cousin lives there. They plan a trip with denver as start and Grand canyon as desteny. I will sit at Home with the Baby xD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: no haha he never used it so he dont know it anymore :) but it isnt to Bad.... where you ever use russia? Nowhere! XD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: no its German history we are east Germans my dad needet to learn the russian language in school. Thats because of the DDR. East germany the DDR was in partnerhood with Russia