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Posted in Just noticed xD Posted 5 years ago
Haha its fun to notice this, right? :) i also was like 'zooming in, nooooo they dont does this xD'
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: i will someday :)) and yes he is amazing but english isnt his thing xD he still try it last year he even was into an english class. I think about but i dont know and other words atm if i get to know i let you know :)
@Wildfire: with the indians yes i heard
Posted in Just noticed xD Posted 5 years ago
The Illuminati are among us! (Take me Not to serious)
In the item skinwalker the wood backround you can See a sign!!!
@Wildfire: thank you for telling me why is it that day?
We dont celebrate that day.... i honestly even dont know what Date its due xD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: Oh right you work as an japanese tutor right? Thats so cool. Its one language i want to learn someday!! Ist just hard to understand the symbols though. My dad try to learn english atm its so cute how an 67 year old man try to spell mushrooms right. Or i need to tell him that ppl dont will die if they Go to an giftshop "Gift" means poison in German xDD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes it is difficult! i think as an person who didnt have this expirience its hard to say comforting words. but thats the same thing with every difficult topic!
and i ask because iam intristed ^^ more work sucks! is it because of christmas?
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Hadsvich: than pls send a trade dear ^^
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes is shoking even if you know that happens to 2 persons you actually know! but the baby will be fine *nods*
yes i respect the mamas and the love they give them little butterflies too!
did something happened to you lateley =)??
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes she has a lot of energy! even now she is kicking my butt XD but it happens often view weeks before due some little ones die peacefully in mommas whomb..... its a thing noone has an explanation for.... the worst part is that the momma need to give a naturally birth to the deceased baby because a c section is to dangerous for the mommas at that point. some even need to wait till the contractions set in naturally (wich can be days) i think thats cruesome and babaric v_v
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Hadsvich: does 50 sounds okay =)?
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: aww thank you =))
i think she knows it well..! everytime she hears her papa on the phone she starts too move like crazy xDDD i just hope she dont will be a stillborn. its my greatest fear atm
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: naaaw i want to open some myself dear thank you =))
i know because i was sick i miss out 165€ v____v but i also recive really many gifts from friends and family =) so she is save for the first few months ^^ i dont need to buy clothes for her etc =)