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@Tsundererra: o-o aww iam sure you need the reaper item for it from the first day right? I just dont have enough of These because iam a treater xD but i love my one little Baby ^_^
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
69 sad treatsies
Posted in How many treats/tricks you got? Posted 5 years ago
64 sad treatsies
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: but commons are awesome *-*
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: definetly!! I would buy everything in every colour :)

@inatlaka: yes chub reaper Baby! Idk is he my Child should I name him eugen? XD
@Tsundererra: how you get a bunch????
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: niiiice! I need to say iam so in Love with mine i cant give up on it! Its a fat cute mini reaper its perfekt!
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: ohhh noooo i just get one otherwhise i would give you one :(
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
Lunch is a good thing :)
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: huh did you never play in the daily item revealing threads?
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: did you found the reaper item in your inv? :)
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: i just heard if you treat her on potty its more easy to learn for her.
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: men.... just men he even is cuddling with my pillow now *dies of cuteness*
Ugg i hate laundry!!! Ist just so nice sniffing it! Before i fold it i usually sniff on every piece! XD
Your little one is in pre school or you take her with you?
Posted in Rags to Riches: Raffle Ended! Posted 5 years ago
Thats a thing for men i think ven xD