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Posted in Idea for the AOTW system Posted 5 years ago
@ephenay: i really dont see a rule like thar if its set akready iam sorry but in dont think so =O
Posted in Idea for the AOTW system Posted 5 years ago
i love the AOTW but for me and other users seems that always the same ppl win (pls no hate its just a statement of me)
i think it would be fair for the other users if a user that wins dont may participate in the competition for like 2 weeks or a month!
other sites (more than one) make it the same way and everybody is happy because the chances to win for everyone are more fair =)

like i say pls no hate i dont mean it in a bad way for the winners of the competition iam just saying!
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: never go to your inv if it isnt nessecary xDDD i know that feel! tbh 6 isnt my taste but thats okay =) i can see the theme behind!
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: yeah i finally find ou too! i never noticed the skirt with the black ruffles xD i just have them in cloud and marshmallow! i entered because out of frustration because i know i dont will win xD
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: omg there really is a skirt with black ruffles *___* why i never noticed it??????? *love goes to that skirt*
okay now iam courious and check out number 6 ^^
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: dear dont do this pls vote for the avi you like the best ^^ and i think for the winter theme there will be many gorgeous avis ^^
yeah it could be thats why i find a rule i pointed out earlier would be fair. there was an avi last time i just loved wich deserves to win as well *iam a bad person* .___. but i really loved avi 8!

i used this skirt often if it is this skirt but i just never saw it in this colour combination! so iam not sure about! and thank you ^^
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@inatlaka: ina what is the skirt item and the bow around your hips you wearing =OO???
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: i entered just now with this avi and a backgroundstuff xD iam sure this specific person will win again but lets try this XDDD other sides forbid a winning user to participate for a month! i think this will be an awesome rule here too but i dont want to make a fuss!
i think cancer also would be her theme ^^ because its black and red as well ^^
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
and yes inas avi is sexy now with those leggos >w<
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: oh well i dont notice that pieces have so vibrant colours will try this item out now! and i dont try to participate the last two contests tbh XD i just have the feel always the same ppl win =O so iam just too lazy to put in an avi XD
Posted in Open more Orbs Selling Aries and more! Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: yes i know but it was from "ask a mortician" a nice youtube lady and she told us in this video how she mourn about her cat and whats possible for you to make mourn about your pet at home! *sticks feet under my cat* welp she snorted XD
and my brother just was the child of my mother so iam glad my mom dosent need to see her "big" child die...... my dad was okay with! plus my dad was at hospital at that moment so i was mre worried about him!

i already commented about your avi in your thread! ^^ sooo cute!
Posted in .:Tsun’s Shop:. Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: how cute your new avi is >w< and what is this background item and roses from you wear =O?
Posted in i'm pleasantly surprised-- Posted 5 years ago
i just not got this astrologer.... but 20000x witch hat *screams*
@Vermii: yes how could you!!! the best class i know xDD