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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

There were some intro item shops that you had access to.

But yea a large amount of the shops you have to at least get through the main quest to get to and there are some bits along the way that make you do some of the dialies.

I don’t know it seems to me like after a month or so you’ll be done with it and then you don’t have to mess with it again if you don’t want to, but I understand that that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Personally I like to have a little more game to these kinds of sites than just posting on the forum just to give me something fun to do and talk about.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

I left to eat a snack and there were like four pages omg

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Have we confirmed that we’re getting more things from the posts happening after the event “ended”

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

yea I’d noticed that.
I haven’t tried to buy art on here yeeeet.
But I have been buying art on dappervolk some.

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Probably a good half of the currency I earn on any site ends up going into avatar art loool

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Ah jeez I can’t imagine teaching with masks that sounds awful.

I drew it like... a week ago I think? Halfway through the event?
I didn’t have any commissions at the time and I was bored loool

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Allergies managing to hit me despite being inside all the time has been the bane of my existence this summer.

Also @e all the other sicknesses are still out there it’s entirely possible you didn’t get the ‘rona. I personally probably wouldn’t worry about unless you ended up with a cough too.

@amber lynne:
I loooove drawing any kind of wings. I’d also love to be able to do something with longer hairstyles because I’ve been doing a lot of shorter ones lately. I’m not really feeling belts or straps at the moment. That’s probably about the extent of my drawing preferences at the moment. :valhappy:

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

My keypad charged so I’ve been disappearing to draw some lol

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Naaaah orchids actually aren’t hard to take care of at all as long as you know a few things about them.

They like indirect light and not being placed directly in the sun. They only want to be watered when they’ve run out of the water they had before. If you feel the need to clip them put some cinnamon on the end bits to keep away bad things. They don’t like being re-potted or moved so you have to pay a little closer attention to them after such events.

I have not tried a pothos I don’t think. I had some succlents. A combination of not enough sun and me forgetting to water them in the new apartment killed them.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

I have... a lone orchid plant that I can’t believe is still alive because I forget to water it a lot.
And it has to be in the exactly one spot in my apartment that gets enough light. Anywhere else has killed every single other plant that’s been brought into it.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

People are trying to do a lot in the suggestion forums.

How and when any of it will happen is entirely up in the air.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Yea it’s a lot.
I’m pretty sure once I’ve gotten all the affection quests and such I’m probably going to drop to 1-2 towns worth of dailies a day which should probably only take an hour most of the time.

It being super draining some days is the worst part. And since it’s a daily you feel like you have to get it done or your missing out. Kind of sucks.

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe Posted 5 years ago

Eeeeh if I am able to just sit down and do them at the beginning of the day 2-3 hours I think. But that’s also while multi-tasking posting on the forums and checking on any updates from the previous night too because a lot of them you can do things in between.