Moif's posts
Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

I had a ten minute commute before going to wfh loooool I was so spoiled.
Mainly I had a bi-monthly planner meetup that I hosted that I now host virtually. A couple of other things to but to be honest they have changed/faded off some... if I'm getting any extra time off of them I'm just wasting it on here or dappervolk loool.
I definitely work less hours at home. |D It doesn't help that for whatever reason (and I swear I'm really not trying to brag) I'm way faster than most people at what I do? I'm usually at the same or better quality as well, but like way way faster. And working from home has gotten me more in the habit of... finishing off my work. Realizing that most people would have taken another hour. Take an hour for myself. It's terrible ethics probably buuuuut. I'd rather do that than have them pile more and more work on me. Especially right now while I'm dealing with this awful team.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Yea I feel you on that too.
I'm able to wfh as well and I'm glad of that. I'm glad that I was given the opportunity to learn how to wfh before it became a mandated thing for everyone.
It's been good for my wallet too. I definitely don't spend as much as I would have before.
I don't get any extra time though, not really. Maybe about a day or two's worth over a month? Compared to how often I'd go do things on the weekends in the summer? lol. Especially because a good half of the things I'd leave the apartment to go do I'm able to do virtually now so it's still taking up the same amount of time pretty much.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Saaaaaame on having my shit together enough to go traveling this year! I've had a huge mental block around the planning and everything necessary to go places and I was really hoping to get to do more this year and push myself past it but noooope.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Yea. I want to do some big trips once all the restictions are able to be lifted but until then I don't really see the point.
I'm also worrying about the holidays in general this year. I don't really like having to go visit my family normally and I extra don't want to have to go with the pandemic still going on and I knoooow they're going to pressure me about it because they've been doing camping trips and everything already so they're not going to understand why I might not feel comfortable with coming home for the holidays atm.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

I'm planning on taking two weeks in September after our upcoming release. I need to take an actual break from burn out. Staycations are my jam usually anyway.
And have time to job hunt because I'm tired of this crap looool.
My company does all our yearly performance reviews at the same time at the end of the year. If I'm still around by then or haven't changed teams I'm gonna die a little.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

LOL that's fair. I totally get that. The main reason I'm getting burnt out so bad on my current team is because the management is trying to push us to move fast and the product is not so polished as a result and it drives me insane.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Don't like the UX side of it so much?

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Oh are you a UX Designer then?
Yea you get those same weird gaps I do then as requirements come in for things. And weirdly busy times too. It's not the best but it's not wholly avoidable either.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

I very much enjoy work from home over being in an office overall.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

My work was the same way before I became work from home (which was like... three months before the pandemic looool irony)
Programmers are not the most social folk on the best of days.
I have enjoyed some work enviornments that were a little more social. But work from home is better for my nerves. Inevitably my work has rather large gaps of time where I am very legitimately waiting for something to happen. Whether it’s waiting on work from my peers, waiting for my work to be verified, waiting for the requirements to be figured out, etc. In an office I get to sit and twitch and hope I don’t look like I’m goofing off to my superiors. At home I can goof off on avatar sites and nobody cares.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Yea I’ve been working from home too.
I don’t even know when there’s gonna be a bad storm cause I don’t check the weather anymore. I only recognize the weekend by like ‘oh guess I get to not work for 48 hours cool’.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Time has no meaning when everyone is stuck inside.

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

Lovin’ the new avatar

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago

The site still lags ocassionally for me too.