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Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Bou: Normally halloween can be the worst for me.
Esepecially on social media which is where I go to find new artists
but a lot of things are very triggering for me and i can't handle scary halloween stuff
and a lot of things are either not filtered or instagram gives me it no matter if i say not interested.
and that is just very draining.
so I stick with the cutesy side.

I never leave my house to go out so im pretty much doing the same i do every year lol.

That sounds fun.
I've never had the fuel to do inktober in the past as 2020 was kind of my breakthrough with my art.
so im excited to do it.
Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Count Trashula: sometimes when it rains it goes directly back to 90 degree heat.
So rain helps but not for long unless it does a massive down pour.

and dealing with fires too, so i have to keep my window shut
so I am suffering lol.

@Bou: Yeah! I love halloween but not for scary stuff.
more of cute spoopy stuff.

this year im probably going to be doing inktober
as i've been making huge strides in my art work.
Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Bou: honestly same.
lets get an early Fall and just bundle up in cute fall sweaters!
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LupaPrinceRomulus: i already told my friend about it.
so im good lol.
and i don't like to talk about heavy topics or stressful ones.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LupaPrinceRomulus: more stressful than awesome for me lol.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LupaPrinceRomulus: yeah pretty much
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LupaPrinceRomulus: Indeed. i got a mountain full of art
to get started/complete.
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LupaPrinceRomulus: yup pretty much lol
Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Bioshock: Yeah same.
Even when the sun does go down, the heat stays.

It also does not help that we're dealing with 3 different fires so we can't keep
the windows opened as everyone in my family is pretty much allergic to smoke[doesn't matter what kind either
all smoke kind of bothers us].

and we normally put fans in the window at night to cool it down so we've been unable to do that.
Hoping the weather gets better for you too.
today it's supposed to be 92...and feel like 97.
Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LilMissKushy: yeah me too.
though usually when it rains it goes straight back to being hot.

though it doesn't help I'm having severe back pain today
so I'm kinda in agony today lol.

Winter very much is torture on my body.
i think I'm more for fall but fall is so short.
winter honestly makes me feel like I'm dying/i get really sick in the winter lol
but since I've slowly been earning money maybe I'll just buy some new sweaters lol.
I did find this cute duvet bed set that has strawberries on it lol.

@milkshake: Sounds yummy.
I'm not much for it as i can't really eat sweets. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LilMissKushy: No idea. we still have many late 80's and mid 90's days.
my weather app doesn't tell me anything on next week yet.
but there is little to no rain storms.

So I'm gonna feel like death for at least...another week.
I'm hoping next week it will disperse a little.
Posted in im tired of summer Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


We keep having the late 80's to mid 90's heat.
Which to some isn't bad, however, it's preventing me from doing any artwork
and artwork is sort of how I am trying to keep my family afloat as my dad is unemployed.
So everything right now depends on me.
So heat making me more stressed as it's never cool enough for me to work.

Also we do not have A/C which kind of makes it worse.
i just need to get some art done. :vanora_cry:
i hope summer will end really soon.

Also please do not give me advice on things to do to keep cool, we've literally tried everything. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


Bringing this place back up.
Posted in Moody's spoopy camp site|Free art maybe? Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@LupaPrinceRomulus: not feeling the event.
as i wanted to do freebies.
but home has been rather too stressful to do it now than I had originally planned.

so it can now die in piece. meaning you guys don't need to post anymore.