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Posted in Good news!!! Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@0v7: Yessss do it!
Banners are just fun to make. I might end up making some for my upcoming website for my art.
Yeah that's super understandable.
Feels like it would fit well for sure!

Cause I'm not stepping foot outside unless i feel secure lol.
though i also do not have anywhere to go...
Posted in Good news!!! Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@0v7: Thank you!
Making banners with my art has become fun now lol.

if it looks similar to this than it's correct

Very snug indeed! I must have it. cause i'd feel a lot better just sitting outside if I wore this.
Posted in It’s been a little while Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


I was burnt out for so many months
so I'm glad I'm getting back into making more art again.

I cannot wait for dinner.
Gyozas! we haven't been able to find them at the store for weeks.
Hope you figure something yummy to eat.
Posted in It’s been a little while Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


Welcome back!
I've been alright, mood has highs and lows lol.
But overall been pretty decent.
Been trying to keep busy with lots of art making.
Posted in Good news!!! Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@0v7: Thank you so much
Will definitely show it to you when it's done.
I have about 4-5 art pieces I'm trying to get done lol.
So one or two will be added to the banner for sure. I really do love how the font came out though.
//really bad at choosing fonts.

Yeah, I was planning to get this one that's called a 3d mask i think??
one of my fave brand's does it....bt21 lol. from the line store.
but the mask looks so secure.
Posted in Good news!!! Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@0v7: I thought it matched the artwork.
I'll probably edit it more when I have a certain art piece or two done.
I should really do more full body art pieces.

Yeah. I just do not bother to go out.
too scared lol.
I have not left the house probably in like 8 months. So also before pandemic lol.
I also am very unsure if the mask my aunt made me...will actually fit well and stay in place.
I have a fairly small head. So was planning on ordering one that looked very secure.
Cause anxiety.
Posted in Good news!!! Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@0v7: For a while we thought since her husband
just randomly decided to talk to old neighbors and later found out the neighbor he talked to had it.
But very relieved she was cleared of having it.

I honestly was super lazy with it I feel.
I didn't have many art pieces to put it together.

Posted in Good news!!! Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


That's so awesome to hear! Congrats.
I hope everything goes smoothly and safely for you.

Something good let's see...
Well my Aunt doesn't have Covid so that's a HUGE relief.
And I made a banner for my art shop.
I don't have much going on :vanora_sweat:
Moody Says. . .


A banner has finally been added!
Moody Says. . .


Ahhhh congrats!
That's so exciting to hear!

I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Posted in Still Alive! :D Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@kaichoukai: im mostly in my hangout thread.
Which is mostly centered towards artists/creators.
Though I've been more lurky so I've only been posting here and there.

DV I'm stuck on cause i have to get honor up to 85 so I'm just lurking in trade market
and doing daily bonuses lol.

Nice to meet you too!
Posted in Still Alive! :D Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


I don't think we've talked before but I hope you are doing well
Your avatar is so cute!
I'm also on Dappervolk
though I've been quite inactive on avi sites to finish some personal art.
Posted in whats ur sign Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


I don't know much about astrology.
I only know my Sun sign is Sagittarius and moon sign is Aries. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in My aunt might have the virus Posted 5 years ago
Moody Says. . .


@Totalanimefan: I don't know.
my family is poor so if my immediate family got it we'd be screwed as we barely have insurance.