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    ok i have successfully migrated to bed woo

    lotion too far

    agh im falling aslepe on my sof af uckckkc

    tmi ? tmi.

    y'all i need to moisturize my legs i can literally feel them shriveling up

    it's a delicate balance between wanting to support the site financially and then the site having to rely on ads... i was always f2p until here lol

    i guess most people would just think gaia

    of avatar sites in general?

    wow we should make one hHAHA

    it's sad they're dying
    avatar sites need to have a lil internet history section dedicated to them hah

    i say i'm tired but i'm not getting up from the sofa yet

    sofa king sleepy

    after solia i dragged my friends through different sites until we landed on this one
    me and e go way back--

    also fhdsjhg i'm so tired rip

    but these 3
    sup - the genki princely one who's loud and talkative
    pro - the constantly sleep deprived annoyed little sister that just glares at him a lot
    con - watching from the side (also he's cute

    i don't really talk about their personalities much lol
    i should write this shit out eventually

    sup talks enough for all 3 of them hahaha

    con pro sup

    sup, pro con