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    maybe it'll go away soon |D
    paps ur head

    did you drink a ton of it?
    but that would affect your digestive system fdhhfhdjgh hmmm

    weekend fatigue?

    i posted the full version on the other thread i have in this forum |D
    suddenly it's my event gallery thread

    goooood morning

    i did yeahhh
    idk why this one is so fun to draw LOL
    thank you!!!!

Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago

    fdsmf,mg,dmf took me a while to remember those

Posted in ♥ how many letters do you have? ♥ Posted 5 years ago


    she was at like
    the first convention i tabled at
    just speedwalked past her table


    but after that havent been in touch in ages so shrug emoji

    yeah we'll see lmfao

    haha not really
    we got into like 2 huge fights too but it was a lot of her being really pissed at me


    it was like on page 150 or something
    a mystery

    yeah it was pretty shitty
    that friend kept trying to one-up me and it was just so fucking annoying

    naw i would have to make a new dA.. maybe

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

    apply to other places on the down-low just in case lmao