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    it's branded your look (TM)

    i masked that entire jacket away with this other jacket

    hacks >:3

    hello good morning

    @Jolly: naw i mean my best boy in-game haha

    ep3 my boy still hasn't shown up past the OP


    but damn this thing has actual some sort of battle and plot going on vs touken hahahhaha

    my posting is just chatter tho |D

    we're all past our prime yo...

    dude that's just proof of how much time i spend on here LMFAOOOO no life

    even shit on my twitter account (11 years old) is cringe but i still keep it hahha

    yeee do it :DDD
    my boy made it into the anime so i'm watching for him mostly

    woo i hit 3k envelopes~~~~~

    yes exactly haha
    people will change and sometimes i hate when people pull up receipts from years and years ago to justify harassing people ~_~ but it's tricky too

    i'm watching bungou to alchemist :D
    it's based off the game of the same name ~

    watches anime in work hours 'cause fuck it it's friday
    the OP is good

    i remember seeing people on twitter saying kids nowadays don't have that proper chance to be edgy and fuck up a lil with all the callout culture bullshit happening now LOL
    i didn't know any better back then so i said some pretty bad shit in the past too but wow ~_~

    eats your snow

    honestllyyyyyy ugh it's too warm ~_~ and cold ~_~

    RIP your brain /pats

    skfjkgjff that phase
    so many people had them it's liked a lived shared experience now LMFAOOOO

    bro i literally just sat back down from grabbing my hoodie LMAOOO

    i keep closing and opening my window to try to regulate the temperature in my room and i'm failing hsdfhdhsfhhg