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    draw ya avatarssssssssss

    drawing my avatar (again

    but this upgraded vers of the outfit

    this is turning into an illustration send help

    this is where all the chatty people congregate heh

    hello i am sort of back but not really
    clip is lagging noooooo

    posting with us = either you get swept up or swept away

    that passion turned into drawing

    this doodle is being turned into an actual draw... noooo

    i'm just bored all the time lmaooo
    but i also feel weird if i don't draw everyday D|

    oh i'm just doodling as a warmup |D
    gotta work on my comic a bit later

    that's slowly turning into my plan too haha

    i'm drawing this avatar again haha ah hahaha

    at this rate i don't even need to spend them
    one item per day is enough hehehehe

    i'm at 3150
    /no life

    let's see what page i hit 4200 envelopes on

    let's fuckin goooooooooooo

    420 420 420