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    trying to piece together photo layouts is a Pain

    i'm still slowly doing work as usual but i can't make it go any faster
    design takes time |D...

    agh gonna stop fiddling with this avatar now

    agh why is it already almost 2pm feels like i did nothing but so much

    i literally just added it so ye LOLLL

    i'm the type to not use backgrounds ahaha
    i like my avatars as compact as possible

    me: let's stay away from yellow/gold for now

    also me: NEW EVENT ITEM IS CUTE uses it

    change it >;u

    neutral bgs work best for avatars...

    sadly i don't have that item |D thank you for suggesting it though

    clutter is my style hehe
    the more the better

    i still don't really have a good grasp of the older items on here LOL oh well

    i'm trying to see what else i can add to it but i'm drawing a blank

    woo i just hit 2k envelopes~

    do ittttt
    i try to do that but as you can see right now
    i keep using the same shit

    helloooooooooooooo good afternoooooooooooooooooon

    i like the new head pose though nice nice nice