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    yeah it's bad

    but normally i wake up and need to blow my nose anyway
    so now it's just that plus some dry blood

    i wake up with dry blood in my nose bc of how dry it is rip

    i need more moisture in general but that executive dysfunction makes me end up not filling up the humidifier etc

    tonight i will remember to moisturize my leggy

    i used to cut my own hair but that was back in the day ahaha

    my hair is surprisingly dense so now im feeling that weight ughgh

    my hair is getting uncomfortably long agh should i cut it myself

Posted in ♥ how many letters do you have? ♥ Posted 5 years ago


    that triple hair look tho

    anywhere from 11 to 1

    omg that new look

    i cant sleep yet I didn't even touch my comic files today 😂😭😭😭😭