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@Shark: Woohoo XD Watch... someone beat you again.
@Boss Rimi: Don't be angry before your b-day D;
My brother's bday is today. XD
@Totalanimefan: I can see you through everything XD
@Boss Rimi: Aww, you are leaving us already D;
@Kaderin Triste: lmao haha XD
Yeah, I have been taking people off the posting game lmao
@Totalanimefan: XD Not that secretly, because I stalk people profiles XD
@Totalanimefan: I love helping out people ^^
I am sending the item to Lilith :D

Unicorn - woohoo!

Dragon - XD Hey, at least you get half the prize. ^^
Lacks of sleep also trigger depression.
Congrats Total!
She won page 200 with lucky number 20! Congrats again!

If you don't want your prize, you can pass it on to another user in here.
@Unicorn: No, I haven't. D:
I'm always the first pick on winning pages XD
I shall win this page :D Wahhaa!