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@Totalanimefan: Lmao, I was like that too when I first started here...they probably got annoyed of me.
I'm more calm now, I try not to bother them so much anymore.
She lives in the same time zone as us.
Awww, you aren't annoying at all D:
I need new recolors for event items.
Aww, I hope you feel better soon. D:
Thank guys :D
Hello there, I'm home now :D
Hope you feel better soon, fuu. I hate when you are going through this stuff. *huggles* You should do something to distract your mind. <3
Posted in What's with this beetle? Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I was like that too, at first. Now I’m more calm about stuff. :)
Sorry guys, at work.
Aww, that’s so awesome of you! We really need more people to donate, so that we can have more awesome features and all that.
So you don’t get paid hourly for being a waitress?
Yeah, as long as we are taking care of the bills first.
Yeah, same here. I am way too invested into this site already.