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@Nalight: 3,000 for all defult colors, 1,500 for all re-colors we have right now.
They are going to add more re-colors eventually, so it will be 1,500 more for each addition colors.
@Nalight: Item added.
@Nalight: Oh yeah haha, I wonder when they will release more colors.
@Nalight: You want one or two?
Don't worry, I have a lot. XD
@Nalight: I have another Sweet Cakes, if you want to buy one too.
I need more pure for dragon lol.
I wish it was easier like Caedon.
@Boss Rimi: You are welcome! :D
@Dread Pirate: I like to do things fast.
@Boss Rimi: Your turn to accept.
OMG~ Even thought it was set at 25% during event,
I got more lucky with the 15% lmao.
@Boss Rimi: I sent you a trade request. Let's do this quick.
@RoseyWitch: Good night <3 Talk to you later.
@Nalight: They are rare, but they aren't that rare lol.
They did this on purpose, so that the items won't cost too much in the future.
@Boss Rimi: Did you want to buy it for 5k?