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@Totalanimefan: You can't leave meh! D:
*grabs total by the leg*
Total is leaving us D:
@Boss Rimi: Awww, that's cute XD
@Boss Rimi: I haven't seen him around D:
@Sass Pegasus: Aww, It's nice to be free sometimes...
you don't have to worry too much about tasks when you get online. XD
@Boss Rimi: I'm not sure, I'm hardly on Discord anymore.
Also, what happened to Jazz? D:
@Boss Rimi: Don't say that, we are almost the same age remember D:
I don't want to be old yet! T.T You should totally post a video for us to watch.

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I know where you are coming from. Since it's such a great idea,
we want it to be well made and stuff!~ You never know, they might remake it in the future.
The cloud looks kinda stiff to me haha. You know who's a really good pixelist? Bean!
He does some great items on Caedon, but I guess Fozzy wants to be the one that does all
the rare items, since it's his site. ^^ I would too if I have my own site, I want my items to be rare
and watch everyone wear my items.
@Boss Rimi: Are you excited for your b-day?
@Totalanimefan: Fozzy is still learning, but he's getting a lot better now. I'm sure he will make items even better in the future. ^^ Yeah, the Bee and Frog items are nice and very cute, I just don't see myself using them yet. I also agree with the wings, I was expecting something more fluffy for the Angel Wings.
Posted in The Ohm Emporium || S> April CIs, Buying lots! Posted 7 years ago
@Reanna: May I buy you please? :D
I like this month items more! I'm a huge fan of Angelic and Demonic sets. :D
They need to give me a year of paid vacation ! :vanora_xd:

@Totalanimefan: Go on a hiatus and come back in 2 years. XD
@Boss Rimi: It was boring and I wasn't feeling too well.
@Totalanimefan: It's hard to match stuff right now, we need more items.