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I want a husband to cuddle with at night and keep me safe.
Posted in Voltra's Price Guide - Updated 4/14/2018 Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: Aww, thanks.

@Totalanimefan: Thank you for the report.
@mdom: We are all young inside.

@Boss Rimi: You need to be married to mister!
Posted in chai exchange | open Posted 7 years ago
@chai: Same here, I feel so broke. :vanora_stunned:
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: It's really easy to get to 10k.
@mdom: You are young (at heart) :D

@Boss Rimi: Oh wow :3 I need to be married.
@Boss Rimi: Woohoo~ a b-day parteh!
You are close to the 90s~! I was born in 1993.
I think I should make a b-day list in this charity :D
Kimmi - were you born in 1989? You have that on your username.

@Boss Rimi: A lot of people will wish your Happy B-day.
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
People need to come buy my items.
Me too, it's so cute :D

@Boss Rimi: We need to have like your b-day celebration on here or something. XD
@mdom: Yes, it's very promising, but they are charging too much for Tier packages (pre-site bundles).
@Reanna: It's ridiculous for me to think about it, but I really love it here.

@Boss Rimi: *hugs* I got it from you mommy!