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Dappervolk is like a new avatar/pet site. It's really expensive! You shouldn't bother with it.
It's more of an art site than pixel site.
@Reanna: That's true. :) I support people who are trying to help out the community. The only reason I'm hoarding is because I want to help spread the items in the future, starting next year, I won't be buying that many anymore. The site is new, and I don't want new users to feel so discouraged in the future.
@Boss Rimi: When I see something bumpy on my skin, I scratch it. T.T
@KimmiChan1989: Hey there! Welcome :D
You guys! Dappervolk received over 90k of donation and it's not even opened yet!
@Reanna: Oh yeah, you are aren't.
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: It's the most active thread on Voltra. :D
@mdom: Yes, I sure do! :D

@Boss Rimi: Oh no, I have a bad habit of scratching myself D;
Very bad habit because I have a lot of scars from doing that.

@Reanna: Are you going to hoard them? lol
Posted in » Angelic + Demonic Sets « Come Show Off! Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: Por que, I'm feeling very Angelic right now XD
@Reanna: *points to avatar* I LOVE THEM!
I was already expecting them, I'm a Gemini so I gotta have both sets.
@Reanna: Welcome back! Do you like the new items? :D

@Boss Rimi: I used to poke myself with needles for fun.
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: My charity is in the event forum right now, you can make Volts really fast.
I actually like needles lmao, I'm so weird.
I grew up sick a lot, so I got used to needles.
I heard the flu shot made people worse...Plus they still have to get it once a year.
Also, I updated the page prizes.