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Posted in October Crates and New Commons! Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: Thank you so much ^^
@Concentricity: Thank you, because it makes a huge difference 15% and 25%.
I got more rares last month when it was at 15%, so I'm having a hard time believing that it was at 25% right now.
I need to re-open them because that's not fair.
@Concentricity: You mean the crate was set at 15% ?
Because I opened like a lot of them D:
@pixiebuns: I am having a hard time believing it was just a typo.
I got more rares when it was 15% chance.
@Totalanimefan: It has been, he just typed it wrong...that's what he said.
@Totalanimefan: He said he made a typo, but I feel like I didn't even get that much rares.
Compared to my past open crates.
Posted in October Crates and New Commons! Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: So it was still at 25%?
I am pinging sly now in my discussion thread. D:
Posted in » Angelic + Demonic Sets « Come Show Off! Posted 7 years ago
I'm so happy~
@Totalanimefan: They aren't replying back...D:
@Totalanimefan: I did, I might make them remove all the items I opened and let me re-open them D:
This isn't fair.
@Totalanimefan: I thought we were supposed to get 25 percent chance D;
I opened all my crates and it doesn't seem 25 percent.
Posted in October Crates and New Commons! Posted 7 years ago
I opened my crates and noticed I wasn't winning that much sweet cakes like I should.