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I don't mind cooking or doing dishes, as long as I don't have to do both on the same day. If I'm cooking someone else gotta do the dishes.

Of course I have a dishwasher to dishes aren't that hard, but still.

@PurpdaBurpPurp: That sounds rough. It's really hard to live with people like that. Like, I'm not great about cleaning, but I can't let it go too long.

Bathrooms are only bad if you share one with someone who's gross. I don't mind cleaning my own bathroom.
Posted in Hobbies you've tried and want to continue Posted 5 years ago

@khadijacandy: I think I've learned to crochet 3 times already and forgot it each time. XD Another case of wanting to do all the things, but not enough time to actually do them. There's a lot of really cool patterns out there now though.

Cleaning is hard work! I hate mopping in particular. And dusting because it just takes so long...
Posted in Hobbies you've tried and want to continue Posted 5 years ago

I already have a lot of hobbies (drawing, cosplay, lolita, video games) but one I'd like to get back into is music. I'm not trained and not good, but I do enjoy writing it when I can. I'd also like to learn to play an instrument again. On my own terms this time. It just doesn't get a lot of priority when I have so much else going on already.

I also have a bad habit of wanting to do all the things, so I'll pick up a new hobby now and then but quickly realize I don't have the bandwidth for it.

Doing custom dolls always sounded like fun. I always wanted to try like... finding dolls and toys at thrift stores and fixing them up.
Posted in Hey! Posted 5 years ago

Welcome to Voltra! I hope you enjoy yourself here.
Posted in If you could take out your fear Posted 5 years ago

Well, just because you may not fear something, that doesn't mean you can't rationalize what is and is not a good thing to do. Fear and self preservation are not mutually inclusive. You can have one without the other. I don't have to be afraid of heights to know that being up high can be dangerous and I need to use caution if I want to continue living. It wouldn't be good to die regardless of whether I fear death or not. I just wouldn't be able to do what I want if my life were cut short.

I honestly think I'd be able to do a lot more if I could remove the fear aspect.

So many cute entries this week!

YIKES that's crazy. I can't believe they'd just throw it outside with no medical treatment??? Outdoor cats are at so much risk. T^T

Sending good work vibes your way~~~~

Big mood. I could probably eat better too. I do take vitamins and stuff but my job is pretty sedentary so I don't get much exercise. Then again, when I was eating better and getting exercise I still didn't have energy so ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯

Ha! You should take a sketch book and doodle while you're there.

I feel you though, after working 8 hours and commuting for 2, I'm just about too worn out to deal with much else on weekdays. And weekends are always so busy.
Posted in Scam callers are persistent Posted 5 years ago

Once my parents got a call from their own number so. Yeah.