Quoth The Raven's posts
Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Come Together" by Informatik

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Chop Suey!" by System Of A Down

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Burn Down the Flags" by X-Fusion

Posted in ☼ Basic Witch ☾The Coven || Page Prizes! ☆ || Quote of the Day!
Posted 6 years ago
@xirin: Thank you so much for your answers; they're extremely helpful. Do you have a favorite card, by the way?
(Do let me know if these questions are getting to be too much. I can always do research on my own, but I've always enjoyed asking others first.)
@Salem: I'm sorry for your losses and misfortunes. It's good that you have something to turn to, though.
... To be honest, I've actually avoided saying "magic" (which I've gathered is also spelled "magick" to differentiate it from "performance magic") and/or "witchcraft" because I wasn't sure if those were appropriate terms for what you practiced. Would you say that they are, though?
(Somewhat related: I'm barely delving into witches and Wicca, and am coming to find that "All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccans."
To expand on that as well, there's "All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans. Finally, some witches are Pagans, but some are not - and some Pagans practice witchcraft, while others choose not to."
Honestly, I'm probably going to be researching for a while.)

Posted in ☼ Basic Witch ☾The Coven || Page Prizes! ☆ || Quote of the Day!
Posted 6 years ago
@xirin: I thoroughly enjoyed reading your viewpoint and I feel that it's something my character would resonate with on some level.
If you don't mind me asking, when, how, and why did you learn to read tarot cards?
@Salem: Heh, that's what I'm hoping for, at any rate. By the way, you mentioned that you used to practice, then stopped for a while, and only recently picked it back up. May I ask why you stopped and what made you start again? Also, what drew you to the practice to begin with?
@Rallaa: Thank you for your response. It's always good to know what people on both sides think.

Posted in ☼ Basic Witch ☾The Coven || Page Prizes! ☆ || Quote of the Day!
Posted 6 years ago
Same here. I do have a strong sense of how my character aligns (regarding good or bad), but I'd like to hear both sides.
Also, I was poking around the hangout and found some stuff that interests me.
If I remember right, quoting someone should ping them, so hopefully that still works in a spoiler. If so, if you were quoted and are up to elaborating on things you think, do and/or own, it'd be much appreciated.
If not, that's fine, too. I was mostly gathering them so I could do research later.
I used to practice a while back, but I haven’t in a very long time up until recently. Just simple, healing, natural stuff, but I love it!
It’s very spiritual and healing. I don’t mess around with anything bad. I’m a good little witch. Hahah.
You can be whatever you’d like. You don’t have to be a female to be a witch. :) Male Witches are called multiple things, but all are witches in the end. :)
I used to practice a while back, but I haven’t in a very long time up until recently. Just simple, healing, natural stuff, but I love it!
It’s very spiritual and healing. I don’t mess around with anything bad. I’m a good little witch. Hahah.
You can be whatever you’d like. You don’t have to be a female to be a witch. :) Male Witches are called multiple things, but all are witches in the end. :)
I just use tarot cards to work through my thoughts, but I don't do much more than that.
I often think about getting into it a little more, though. c:
I just use tarot cards to work through my thoughts, but I don't do much more than that.
I often think about getting into it a little more, though. c:
I like the concept of old school witchcraft, like Witch's ladders.
I like the concept of old school witchcraft, like Witch's ladders.
oi like witchy stuff, mainly the aesthetic :vanora_sweat:
tho i like other aspects of witchcraft too.
i've got random stuff like tarot cards, karma cards, runes, crystal balls, a few pendulums etc
also have an oujia board but i know not to mess with that.
never ever used it despite buying it like 15 years ago.
oi like witchy stuff, mainly the aesthetic :vanora_sweat:
tho i like other aspects of witchcraft too.
i've got random stuff like tarot cards, karma cards, runes, crystal balls, a few pendulums etc
also have an oujia board but i know not to mess with that.
never ever used it despite buying it like 15 years ago.
I have quite a few crystals lying around and some tarot cards, but not much else.
. . . I don't use them much, unfortunately. When I get home in a week or so I can take pictures of them.
I bought a pendulum recently but haven't really used it either.
I have quite a few crystals lying around and some tarot cards, but not much else.
. . . I don't use them much, unfortunately. When I get home in a week or so I can take pictures of them.
I bought a pendulum recently but haven't really used it either.

Posted in ☼ Basic Witch ☾The Coven || Page Prizes! ☆ || Quote of the Day!
Posted 6 years ago
Thanks for the answers so far. I left the question as open/vague as possible so I wouldn't intentionally lead thoughts one way or another. So whatever you'd like to define, I'm all ears.

Posted in Black Friday
Posted 6 years ago
Not really. I always forget to put aside money for it. Considering buying a couple of games, but I'm still on the fence about it.

Posted in ☼ Basic Witch ☾The Coven || Page Prizes! ☆ || Quote of the Day!
Posted 6 years ago
I've been wanting to ask this for a while, but how would you define a witch?
(Long story short, I'm doing research for a character of mine who is a witch, and I would like to get a sense of their beliefs and practices.)
This question is open to everyone, by the way.

Posted in [closed]
Posted 6 years ago
Eh, my current number ends in 18, so why not give this a shot.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Bouncer of the Pearly Gate (Alternative End)" by X-Fusion

Posted in Share poems that you love!
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Its message is rather appealing; definitely one I'll want to look back on.
I recently purchased The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde and am looking forward to working my way through it. The following was the first poem of his that I read.
Wasted Days
by Oscar Wilde
A fair slim boy not made for this world's pain,
With hair of gold thick clustering round his ears,
And longing eyes half veiled by foolish tears
Like bluest water seen through mists of rain;
Pale cheeks whereon no kiss hath left its stain,
Red under-lip drawn in for fear of Love,
And white throat whiter than the breast of dove--
Alas! alas! if all should be in vain.
Corn-fields behind, and reapers all a-row
In weariest labour, toiling wearily,
To no sweet sound of laughter, or of lute;
And careless of the crimson sunset-glow,
The boy still dreams; nor knows that night is nigh,
And in the night-time no man gathers fruit.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"The Beginning" by ONE OK ROCK