Quoth The Raven's posts
Posted in The Writer's Cafe - OPEN!
Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: I'll probably ask for them after I've finished the other two stories. Thank you, though.
@Saeyra: Thanks for that. I'm particularly curious as to what choices he makes, so I'll be adding this to my list of books to read.
As for the movies, do you think they're worth watching?

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"All the Small Things" by blink-182

Posted in The Writer's Cafe - OPEN!
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" popped into my head when I read that. If I were you, I'd probably ask someone who has read both their thoughts on it, if you haven't already. That aside, what is Les Miserables about? I've heard of it in passing, but never bothered looking into it.
(Also, ouch.)
@Lady Luna: If you're not able to post that kind of content here, is there somewhere else I can read it?

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: Alright, that's fine by me.
And I feel your pain. I was never particularly good at art, but I feel like whatever skill I had has deteriorated so much I'm definitely not in any hurry to try making portraits of my characters. I would love to commission artists I follow on social media, but not many are willing to work from a written description. Oh well, can't have it all.
Anyway, I think I'll be using my siren for this roleplay. (I keep saying siren, but for the purpose of this roleplay he will be considered a vampire.)
Age: 28
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Grayish Blue
Hair Color: Black
Race: Mixed (Asian/White)
Nationality: American
About: Personality-wise, he's somewhat lofty. It’s not that he’s arrogant, but he feels a sort of disconnect from people.
He is a practicing witch and has a keen interest in toxicology.
Also, he hates the rain.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Speaking of which: To be clear, is this story essentially a modern setting with supernatural beings? As in, they live amongst humans, technology is a thing, etc?
@Lady Luna: You've piqued my interest. A similar scenario is playing out in Christian's story, where a rogue vampire is turning humans at an alarming rate. Although that in itself is cause for alarm, what's even more worrisome is that this vampire abandons those he has sired before they are able to fully bond. (In order for a bond to be successful, a human's body must first not reject the blood of their potential sire. If the transfer of blood is executed without any complications, then a mental link must be established, in which eye contact is crucial. This second step is what the rogue vampire is purposely omitting.) This leads to a city being run amok with beings that range from hysterical to furious as they seek a sire they can't recall, all the while trying to figure out what is happening to them. (To clarify, vampires whose bonds are broken will stop at nothing to complete it, but the longer it takes to do so, the more unstable and deranged they become.) Christian himself almost suffered this fate but another vampire took pity on him and essentially forged his own bond. Not many vampires will do this because even if the bond is, by definition, successful, since the blood of two different vampires now resides in the veins of the newly turned, they can't be easily controlled.
Ah, this is actually turning out longer than I planned it to be. What I was trying to get at is that Christian's new sire has been on the trail of this rogue vampire for some time now, but he's always been a step behind. Although he isn't personally being accused of these wrongdoings, he's still trying to uncover the truth.
Anyway, for our story, what do you propose to be the spark that ignites the powder keg, so to speak?

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" by Arctic Monkeys

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: Ah, those are all excellent choices. The Pit and the Pendulum is another story of his that I enjoy.
I also have a book of his complete works, but I tend to misplace it a lot, apparently. Hopefully I can find it again.
Anyway, a murder it is, then. How much of this are we going to plan out in advance, by the way? Or are we just going to see where our characters take us from the start? Forgive me, it has been an incredibly long time since I've collaborated with someone.
As for the character profiles pictures, I don't have a preference. So whichever you think suits your character the most, I'm all for. Would you require images of my characters, by the way? I don't have art made for all of them, and I personally don't feel comfortable using other people's art that are representative of another character. I feel even more strongly so about photographs. So it would just be written descriptions for them.
@Lady Luna: What kind of plots are you generally interested in? And which characters do you prefer roleplaying as?
As for the length of our posts, personally I'm aiming for a paragraph or two, but that is subject to change as we actually get to writing.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Donner Party" by Alkaline Trio

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Spit (Happy Pig Whore)" by Combichrist

Posted in The Writer's Cafe - OPEN!
Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: This will probably take me a while to get through, but regardless, thank you for sharing it with me despite how you feel about it.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Miss Murder" by AFI

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: It's always a pleasure to meet other fans of Poe. He's one of the few writers whose works I thoroughly enjoy. His writing is just so gratifying, it has me hooked from start to finish. What's your favorite piece of his, if you don't mind me asking?
As for your idea, I think it's an excellent one. Do you have a preference for the types of cases they would work? Personally, I would love a murder investigation, but I think tracking a missing person would be interesting as well.

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Devour" by Shinedown

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: As I don't have any particular story ideas in mind, I think I'll look around for some prompts; I should get back to you with a few either later on tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully we can decide on something from those, or at least be inspired to make our own.
And vampires are definitely fine by me. I'll make some character profiles for the ones I mentioned in my opening post.
Lastly, thank you for giving me a chance. I was beginning to think I wouldn't find anyone to roleplay with, to be honest.