Quoth The Raven's posts
Posted in Millets Random Prompts from you (Vote pls)
Posted 6 years ago
@Millet: I'd like to cast my vote for Headless Twins Baking.

Posted in Do me a random favor
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Writing Prompt Wednesday! Win a CRATE!
Posted 6 years ago
I'm of the same mind as Kent. Though, what was the other prompt? I only remember the D&D one.

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: That's what I was wondering as well.
Anyway, at least now my curiosity is sated as to why most people wouldn't believe it exists.
By the way, what would you say is the percentage of the population that can use magic?
@AutumnPumpkins: It depends. What are your fandoms?

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@AutumnPumpkins: Damn, you sound like a dream. Pity I won't be active again until November. (You most likely will see me online, but I won't be able to respond much, if at all.)
Then there's the fact that it seems that I might not be cut out for this. I tend to enjoy world building a tad too much and it seems to put off people. (As in, I like knowing how everything works out before delving into the rp.) Not sure how you feel about that, so might as well be up front.
Also, I will probably have to change my response time. I like doing research, and though it depends how in depth I go with it, it might cause me to post only once a week.
If you still want to give this a go later on, please do let me know. Otherwise, thanks for the interest, and I'll probably read your roleplays on here if you do start up any, heh.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: A pity we couldn't make it work, but alright then.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: Do you mind if we put our rp on hold momentarily so I can ask a few questions? I might have jumped into the deep end over here.
(Just so you know, I do like the premise of the story, I just want to make sure I understand the world's structure.)

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 6 years ago
"Disco Punks On Jolt" by Blue Stahli

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but I feel that the involvement of our characters earlier in the case might work better than the point that they started at in the roleplay. Having them investigate the crime from the very beginning (or as close to it as possible) would open up more options, in my opinion.
What I inferred from your post was that an autopsy was already performed, which also implies that the crime scene itself has also been investigated. I would assume that her house would have been searched as well, so what I suppose I'm getting at is this: why would we search it again?

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: I'm... rather terrible at explaining things, truth be told. However, if you're interested-
In the game's universe there are people with powers known as Conduits (or Bio-Terrorists, depending on who you're talking to). The public is aware of their existence and tends to fear them, though they are not without sympathizers.
Due to events in previous games, most Conduits are dead. The remaining ones are being hunted down by the D.U.P. (Department of Unified Protection), a government agency created specifically to arrest Conduits. (This organization is responsible for the term "Bio-Terrorist", by the way.)
Brooke Augustine, the game's antagonist, is director of the D.U.P. and a Conduit herself, with the power to manipulate concrete.
Delsin Rowe (the game's protagonist) butts heads with her several times, and reveals during their final confrontation that he "has figured out she staged the Conduit escape at Akomish to instill fear in the population and give the D.U.P. a reason to continue their regime."
Augustine responds by telling him that she was only doing what she had to to save the Conduits, even if it meant imprisoning them to protect them from the general population.
You go on to defeat her after that, and the ending can go one of two ways:
"If Delsin has good Karma, he spares Augustine and exposes her crimes to the world. She is arrested and the D.U.P. disbands. Delsin, Fetch and Eugene convince the humans that they can peacefully coexist with the Conduits. All of the imprisoned Conduits are freed. Delsin returns to the reservation and heals the tribe members, then paints a mural dedicated to Reggie.
If Delsin has evil Karma, he kills Augustine and, together with Fetch and Eugene, takes control of Seattle. He releases all of the imprisoned Conduits and absorbs their powers. Upon returning to the reservation, Delsin is met by a wheelchair-bound Betty who banishes him from the tribe for the killings in Seattle. Shocked and angered, Delsin destroys the entire reservation."
Due to events in previous games, most Conduits are dead. The remaining ones are being hunted down by the D.U.P. (Department of Unified Protection), a government agency created specifically to arrest Conduits. (This organization is responsible for the term "Bio-Terrorist", by the way.)
Brooke Augustine, the game's antagonist, is director of the D.U.P. and a Conduit herself, with the power to manipulate concrete.
Delsin Rowe (the game's protagonist) butts heads with her several times, and reveals during their final confrontation that he "has figured out she staged the Conduit escape at Akomish to instill fear in the population and give the D.U.P. a reason to continue their regime."
Augustine responds by telling him that she was only doing what she had to to save the Conduits, even if it meant imprisoning them to protect them from the general population.
You go on to defeat her after that, and the ending can go one of two ways:
"If Delsin has good Karma, he spares Augustine and exposes her crimes to the world. She is arrested and the D.U.P. disbands. Delsin, Fetch and Eugene convince the humans that they can peacefully coexist with the Conduits. All of the imprisoned Conduits are freed. Delsin returns to the reservation and heals the tribe members, then paints a mural dedicated to Reggie.
If Delsin has evil Karma, he kills Augustine and, together with Fetch and Eugene, takes control of Seattle. He releases all of the imprisoned Conduits and absorbs their powers. Upon returning to the reservation, Delsin is met by a wheelchair-bound Betty who banishes him from the tribe for the killings in Seattle. Shocked and angered, Delsin destroys the entire reservation."
As for our story, maybe a better question I should have asked is if magic has been subjected to science. Not necessarily to explain how it works, but rather to ensure it's not fraudulent and is a phenomenon that, albeit unexplainable, can genuinely happen.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: Thanks, I appreciate it.
Also, I figured I might as well let you know now that it's looking like my replies will be slow to come; I apologize if that's inconvenient. I should still be posting within four days, but still, if something does come up that would delay me further, I will make sure to let you know.

Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs
Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: I've been busier than I expected to be, so I think it might be best to be bouncing ideas off of you instead.
When you first suggested a modern day witch trials, I was working under the assumption that you meant something public. That got me to thinking of the game Infamous: Second Son.
Before I continue, however, was I wrong in thinking that? How did you want to approach this? That our antagonist be covert, or that it be public knowledge that magic (to use your example) exists?

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 6 years ago
Jordan sat in silence, gazing down into the mug nestled between his hands. So lost in thought was he that the tea it contained
had long since cooled, but still he didn’t drink. A frown was currently worrying his features, his eyes narrowing as a particularly unpleasant thought attempted to make itself manifest. I don't have time for this, he decided, frown morphing into a grimace as he shook his head. A vibration emanating from his phone quickly roused him from his thoughts and he snatched up the device, almost spilling his drink in the process. Clicking his tongue derisively at his carelessness, he swiped at the notification that greeted him, briefly noting that it was from the agency’s receptionist before the full message was brought into view.
Sir? He’s here.
Jordan stared blankly at the screen, the words taking a moment to register, but once they did, he stood, the legs of the chair scraping against the linoleum floor. Unceremoniously dumping the untouched tea down the drain, Jordan made sure to wash the mug and place it upside down on the dish drying rack before exiting the break room. Sending back a quick thanks, he followed the hall to an intersection, turning left without breaking stride. His nose was met with the scent of cinnamon as he entered the main office, and a quick glance around the room revealed its source.
“Proval,” he said by way of greeting, making his way to his own desk.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago
@Blair Elric: I'm about to post my reply, but for future reference, would you prefer to be pinged (either here or in the rp thread) or will you just periodically check to see if it's updated?
At any rate, I just wanted to say how akin to pulling teeth the writing process has been so far. I did not expect to find it this difficult, if I'm being honest. I just hope it comes easier with time.
(For the record, I'm dissatisfied with what I've posted, but I'd never be finished if I had it my way, so here we are.)