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Posted in Lina’s Chibi Art (closed) Posted 5 years ago

OKay, may I buy 2 couples from you then for 15k plus dj?

I'd like C and E please

for C can the couple be holding hands like in F? if at all possible? or just holding hands period is good. qq

Here is the couple for C:

breakdowns here: ~
Feel free to simplify it as needed. the only things for detail that I'd ask be included are the 2 clips on the males ear, the belt loops, the flowers on my skirt. The weapon can be left out as well as the heart bubble.
Attitude: neutral, both their mouthes are covered. you can put the females (which is me) with eyes like this n_n though.

for E I would like these two characters. the character on the left

and the character on the right

again, you can simplify the black one, as long as there's the flowers on the side of the skirt.
Here is breakdown for white:

attitude: the white one is more shy, so a mouth like in her ref sheet would do her good or a tiny shocked mouth? like the one you have on the right one already just instead of it being a smile have it pointing down a bit in slight shock? as for the other you can just keep it since shes the more daring one. ? xD and I like that mouth so. iunno maybe give me a wip on this one and I can decide which way I want to go with it? sometimes I gotta see to decide what will look better >w< if that's cool with you.

Please let me know if you want me to offer more ^^

Posted in Lina’s Chibi Art (closed) Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: lol, how much are the couples without items ; w ;

also how much would order 2 couples be if I offered you dj furocious qq
Posted in ★ Acidic Art Emporium ★ (OPEN) Posted 5 years ago

@Acid: just curious how much a couple full body with a simple 1 color/1 patterned background would be in watercolor style? o w o
Posted in Closed. lock pls Posted 6 years ago

@Valefor: well I got a bunch lemme know lmao
Posted in Closed. lock pls Posted 6 years ago

@Valefor: woo!~ I have plenty more ;)
Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW Posted 6 years ago

@Vermii: Hello o w o *eyes that last open slot* I'd love a full body piece of my fox gal in the same style as you did this amazing piece (I wish it were my character haha)

What I can offer you: Ice wild Horns x1, and some commons o v o

Sad Eyes 1x Honey] | Posh Hair x1 Cloud] Shaggy Hair x1 Coal | x1 Marshmallow

Short Pigtails x1 Coal] | Laced Shorts x1 coal]

Here is my gal:

I don't yet have a full body of her as reference yet, but here is something I drew lol

Please let me know is my offer is sufficient and if you need a further breakdown of the character/more references ^^" Thanks
Posted in Closed. lock pls Posted 6 years ago

Hey there! I don't think I've posted here yet. >w<
I'd love somethin of my current avi. she's a new oc of mine. Here is additional ref if needed. Thanks :D

Username:Rayon Declaire

Details: She's reserved so neutral expression is preferred. Or a hint of a smile is good also. She is fairly youngish around 17 y/o
Please don't forget her eyes area kind of watermellon or deep coral pink color. ^^"

@Baku: Thank you too :)

@Baku: sounds good! ill send trade :)

@Baku: Hi there ^^"

These prices are O.K.
Cirque Bucket - Reaping Ritual '18 Goodie Bag x1--1k
Winter Stocking - Winter Solstice '18 goodie bag x1--500v
Acrobat x1--500v
Cirque du junkfood x1--250v
Hypnotist x1--500v
Ringmaster x1--500v

I'd like to offer a different price for these items however.

Seafloor Fashionista x1-- 1k
March Hare x1-- 2k
Braids Soft n Silky x1--375V

How about ..

Frost Breath x1 --500v
Frosted Edges x1---500v
Ice Swimwear x1--500v
Friendly Ghost Marshmallow x1 | Mint x1 | Sky x1---1500k ? :)

@Raxton: Thank you for your business. Come again ^^/
Posted in There's a bat in my house Posted 6 years ago

depending on the bat I think they like fruit .. like berries.. maybe leave some near an open window during the night and see if it flies out? o wo

@Raxton: Sounds good I'll start trade :)

@Raxton: xD give me a sec to total it all up x3