Rayon Declaire's posts
Posted in Will Draw For Fish [PWYW/New Tablet]
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in ~~~~~~~~~~~THE GUTTED BUNNY'S ART SHOP~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPENSLOTS 1/6
Posted 6 years ago
Username: Rayondeclaire
Order: My current plz <3

Medium: full body digital with flat colors.
Reference(s): None for a fb atm :c Hoping you will be my first? *bats eyelashes* --wait I DONT HAVE EYELASHES?
Extras?: um nope. don't worry about shading all I'd like is flat colors.
Price/Bribe: Nope. um. I'll offer you liek.. 3k volts? qq if that's too low please let me kno tq
I will give you a breakdown if you accept ; w ; I know the colors kinda blend into eachother at some points

Posted in Yall I still have unwanted items!!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in that itch to buy a gaming pc.
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in The Art life killed my passion for art
Posted 6 years ago
Let me just say that I understand how you feel as I am going through something similar. On the rare occasion that I FEEL up to drawing, I am like a madwoman. I pop out like 4-5 arts one after another, then the drive leaves for another blue moon. xD I usually make something I'm real proud of during that time , and then I compare it to far superior artists and then that just kills my drive for awhile. I am not sure what to tell you in terms of tips, but just know you are not alone with feeling this way.

Posted in Mood swings
Posted 6 years ago
As someone that was bullied in school has rejectional problems and mood swings, YES IT SUCKS ASS. Buut. As I posted above, I find it a lot easier to talk with people online, and there's nothing wrong with it. tbh this is how people connect in this day and age. Just be smart about it. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason then keep those feelings in check. hold onto them try and figure out what it is that makes you feel that way. If they get worse it's probably best to cut contact with that person. Don't share more than you're comfortable sharing, Keep a log of the conversations between you as backup in case there's any need for them. =) It really isn't that bad you just need to be hyperventilate.

Posted in Mood swings
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Let's Never Meet - Voltra Edition
Posted 6 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:
Only one comes immediately to mind.
Lemme see if I can write this the same way it felt.
A few years back, in a gaming community on facebook- the admin of a pokemon group who lived an hour away from me asked me on a date.
Now, we were online 'friends' but definetly not close. Not for any reason other than it just wasnt more than memes and battling. The members shipped us. I wasnt blushy about it at all but was like eh fuck it Ill meet ya.
The only things I knew about him was his propic was gorgeous. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) He talked often about being a proud home owner to a large beautiful property. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) And he works in "IT".
And we both like anime, manga, and videogames.
I didnt have high hopes because in the group any debates or intellectual topics that came up he immediately sided with me, like a white knight and would make the DISCUSSION awkward with his antics towards the disagreeing party. I had asked several times to not act protectively. I am a big girl. He was a ad hominem nightmare and like that trait alone is a major major turnoff. So I went in thinking "friends" not date, and I clarified that.
I showed up 20 minutes early to the meet up point, yeah I was dawled up. He chose a nice restaraunt. When i texted him he was like "Great Im at the table already." He beat me. Huh. So I give his name and get escourted.
The man I am faced with is not the man in the photo. At all. But I keep my comments to myself, looks dont matter with friends.
It was from nerdy male model esque to obese and much older.
I didnt even get to talk much lol I said hi how are you and the restvwas his life story between heavy breathing.
The big house he owns...is split between 8 people. They make "youtube videos" in a mini mansion. Hes wouldnt tell me the youtuber he just noted his friend is the semi famous one not him. But the house is in HIS name not the famous friend and when it comes time for baby making hell kickem out.
Claimed he used to be a big drug dealer but is a reformed man who had tons of money but gave it to charity.
He isnt 26 as he always said, hes 36.
Hes starting an IT company and "Its going to be big. "
Then he ranted about members of the group. Several members which are perfectly fine he is just absurdly sensitive and takes any slight slight jab as "they are my enemy" to which I FINALLY cut in to give him my polite thoughts on. I was honest, thorough but not harsh.
To which after he just responded (something like) "you know youre f****** smart right? You and me arent like the rest of them. Hell youre on a differwnt level than even me and not to brag but thats saying a lot." (Yikes fam. )
And then some i coherent tangent went on about the universe and "an intellectuals place in it" hes getting e x c i t e d and sweaty and shaking and im just wide eyed watching him anger himself about how hard it is to be gifted but poor. I feel ya bud but chill.
He insists in paying. I ALWAYS pay for myself. Thats a comfort thing. Friends, dates, etc I either pay for myself or the whole thing. Call it a quirk I get anxiety otherwise. He was like "I guess thats my first sign youre never gonna see me again?"
And i was like "? We have the group "
And he got pissed
And sorry I give no fucks lol so I was super lax like
"Unless theres some kinda event probably not? I havent hung with anyone in the group except for Brian.(my ACTUAL irl friend)"
And then he started shit talking my friend lol? Calling him a fake intellectual. (I sternly defended Brian) Then started asking me what Brian looked like. (Brian only ever had anime profile pics.) To which I was like
YA spittin' on me
YA slammin' my friend
YA ragin' out over nothing
YA needa' breathe and not ruin a good day.
And he was like "WELL aRIel I had a shitty day this was a waste of my time."
I just shrugged, 'youre entitled to your feelings'. He slammed his car door I started walking away and he drove up next to me "Sorry. Can we do this again? Can we start over. Ill take you out for ice cream."
"Thanks for saying sorry but no. Im tired."
*he manually rolls window shut while scowling*
*drives off*
*tires make that noise when you hit the gas too hard.*
*he gets a red light just several feet away from me lmao*
Im walking about to reach where his car is and he rolllllls down the windiw again.
"By the way sweet heart YOURE BANNED."
*gets honked at for not seeing the green*
*I never see him again.*
The bachelor admin of a 10,000 member pokemon facebook group folks.

Only one comes immediately to mind.
Lemme see if I can write this the same way it felt.
A few years back, in a gaming community on facebook- the admin of a pokemon group who lived an hour away from me asked me on a date.
Now, we were online 'friends' but definetly not close. Not for any reason other than it just wasnt more than memes and battling. The members shipped us. I wasnt blushy about it at all but was like eh fuck it Ill meet ya.
The only things I knew about him was his propic was gorgeous. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) He talked often about being a proud home owner to a large beautiful property. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) And he works in "IT".
And we both like anime, manga, and videogames.
I didnt have high hopes because in the group any debates or intellectual topics that came up he immediately sided with me, like a white knight and would make the DISCUSSION awkward with his antics towards the disagreeing party. I had asked several times to not act protectively. I am a big girl. He was a ad hominem nightmare and like that trait alone is a major major turnoff. So I went in thinking "friends" not date, and I clarified that.
I showed up 20 minutes early to the meet up point, yeah I was dawled up. He chose a nice restaraunt. When i texted him he was like "Great Im at the table already." He beat me. Huh. So I give his name and get escourted.
The man I am faced with is not the man in the photo. At all. But I keep my comments to myself, looks dont matter with friends.
It was from nerdy male model esque to obese and much older.
I didnt even get to talk much lol I said hi how are you and the restvwas his life story between heavy breathing.
The big house he owns...is split between 8 people. They make "youtube videos" in a mini mansion. Hes wouldnt tell me the youtuber he just noted his friend is the semi famous one not him. But the house is in HIS name not the famous friend and when it comes time for baby making hell kickem out.
Claimed he used to be a big drug dealer but is a reformed man who had tons of money but gave it to charity.
He isnt 26 as he always said, hes 36.
Hes starting an IT company and "Its going to be big. "
Then he ranted about members of the group. Several members which are perfectly fine he is just absurdly sensitive and takes any slight slight jab as "they are my enemy" to which I FINALLY cut in to give him my polite thoughts on. I was honest, thorough but not harsh.
To which after he just responded (something like) "you know youre f****** smart right? You and me arent like the rest of them. Hell youre on a differwnt level than even me and not to brag but thats saying a lot." (Yikes fam. )
And then some i coherent tangent went on about the universe and "an intellectuals place in it" hes getting e x c i t e d and sweaty and shaking and im just wide eyed watching him anger himself about how hard it is to be gifted but poor. I feel ya bud but chill.
He insists in paying. I ALWAYS pay for myself. Thats a comfort thing. Friends, dates, etc I either pay for myself or the whole thing. Call it a quirk I get anxiety otherwise. He was like "I guess thats my first sign youre never gonna see me again?"
And i was like "? We have the group "
And he got pissed
And sorry I give no fucks lol so I was super lax like
"Unless theres some kinda event probably not? I havent hung with anyone in the group except for Brian.(my ACTUAL irl friend)"
And then he started shit talking my friend lol? Calling him a fake intellectual. (I sternly defended Brian) Then started asking me what Brian looked like. (Brian only ever had anime profile pics.) To which I was like
YA spittin' on me
YA slammin' my friend
YA ragin' out over nothing
YA needa' breathe and not ruin a good day.
And he was like "WELL aRIel I had a shitty day this was a waste of my time."
I just shrugged, 'youre entitled to your feelings'. He slammed his car door I started walking away and he drove up next to me "Sorry. Can we do this again? Can we start over. Ill take you out for ice cream."
"Thanks for saying sorry but no. Im tired."
*he manually rolls window shut while scowling*
*drives off*
*tires make that noise when you hit the gas too hard.*
*he gets a red light just several feet away from me lmao*
Im walking about to reach where his car is and he rolllllls down the windiw again.
"By the way sweet heart YOURE BANNED."
*gets honked at for not seeing the green*
*I never see him again.*
The bachelor admin of a 10,000 member pokemon facebook group folks.
This was both creepy and hilarious. If I had have sat down with someone that looked NOTHING like their picture I would have been terrified right then and there. A kind of 'oh shit I am going to be killed' moment. You handled yourself very well though. I must say.

Posted in My father just died
Posted 6 years ago
@WhatAJoy: I'm sorry to hear this! x_x It must have been terrible. I've witnessed something similar when I was in my preteens..I believe? I was so terrified I couldnt stop thinking about it... Taking with others will certainly help. And remember, it's not weak or crazy or stupid or anything if you need to go to a psychologist as well. Losing someone close in such a way is hard, no question.

Posted in Does Christmas mean the same to you as It did when you were a child?
Posted 6 years ago
As a kid, we (my parents, brother and me) would go to my grandmother and celebrate it with her, my 6 uncles and their kids (they all had at least 2 kids and a bunch were in relationships) and sometimes the exes of an uncle (and their new relationships).
Grandmother passed away when I was 15, my father when I was 8, of the 6 uncles only 2 are still alive (and it's pretty much war with 1 of them) and my mother passed away last year.
So aI will most likely celebrate it with my best friends Ben, Jerry and Jack Daniels.
Maybe a war movie, because hunting nazi's makes me happy.
As a kid, we (my parents, brother and me) would go to my grandmother and celebrate it with her, my 6 uncles and their kids (they all had at least 2 kids and a bunch were in relationships) and sometimes the exes of an uncle (and their new relationships).
Grandmother passed away when I was 15, my father when I was 8, of the 6 uncles only 2 are still alive (and it's pretty much war with 1 of them) and my mother passed away last year.
So aI will most likely celebrate it with my best friends Ben, Jerry and Jack Daniels.
Maybe a war movie, because hunting nazi's makes me happy.
I'm so sorry to hear all of the passings.. Your family seems much like mine in some ways. Hopefully you can enjoy a few christmas movies to take your mind off of things.. ; v ; *spreads stardust to try for a smile*

Posted in Does Christmas mean the same to you as It did when you were a child?
Posted 6 years ago
I think the one thing really missing now is the idea of kindness and compassion. Everyone is so eager to jump at you for pointless things and the concept of finding peace and understanding isn't like it used to be.
Maybe when you see kids it feels more like the Christmas spirit? Is that the idea? Around kids you can live the spirit of the holiday but with adults it's all humbug?
Even with strangers it feels like there is so much hate for no reason. People used to smile at each other walking in the stores. Now it's avoid eye contact with everyone and snear. So many people report the same thing. It's like we have lost something dear.
The magic is gone because no one believes anymore. They pretend for the children but in their heart they are filled with contempt. Hatred consumes all. I hope some can find peace and happiness in this holiday, as it should be.
I think the one thing really missing now is the idea of kindness and compassion. Everyone is so eager to jump at you for pointless things and the concept of finding peace and understanding isn't like it used to be.
Maybe when you see kids it feels more like the Christmas spirit? Is that the idea? Around kids you can live the spirit of the holiday but with adults it's all humbug?
Even with strangers it feels like there is so much hate for no reason. People used to smile at each other walking in the stores. Now it's avoid eye contact with everyone and snear. So many people report the same thing. It's like we have lost something dear.
The magic is gone because no one believes anymore. They pretend for the children but in their heart they are filled with contempt. Hatred consumes all. I hope some can find peace and happiness in this holiday, as it should be.
I couldn't have put it better myself. Though, this is how it seems all year round.

Posted in Does Christmas mean the same to you as It did when you were a child?
Posted 6 years ago
I have to say that I have a much more clear view of how christmas actually is as opposed to seeing through rose-colored glasses as a kid. When I was young christmas was always a joy, especially because my grandmother was alive. Maybe it;s because of her that everyone got along. Since she has died, everyones true colors have come to the surface and the family is like a fragmental mess. Noone gives two shits about anyone. And even the simplest of requests seem like the removal of a limb. :/ This year I will be celebrating with my husband and I don't plan to go to anyone's house except maybe on boxing day because a friend of the family (who I consider more family than my actual blood relatives;; sad) will be holding a get together. That and the fact that it's most unlikley to face my grandfather since they dont get along. LOL.

Posted in I hate Holidays, especially Christmas
Posted 6 years ago
Yes, I get exactly what you're saying. It is neither your boyfriend nor your family's place to tell you what to do. Last I checked, you're not a kid anymore right? As for me I think that Christmas has gotten to be too big. It's one thing to start putting up stuff in November, but to do it before even Remembrance/Veterans day (idk if your guys is the same date as us but in canada we have it on the 11th).. I think that;s fucking disrespectful as shit. Even if I never do wear a poppy. In the recent years they have put out stuff for christmas EVEN BEFORE Halloween has gone by.. Fucking stop it. Halloween was a big thing when I was kid and now people do fuck all and it pisses me off. Halloween was about fun now it's like 'oh, you might get your parents to buy you a box of chocolate' and that's about it. No one decorates, No one dresses up, shit, convenience stores don't even give you candy anymore because of the 'potential to be sued'. It's all about saving your own ass and that's sad. Where did the humanity go? That's right, it's getting replaced by robot-ism. On the positie side, I do enjoy the deals you can get at christmas. For someoen like me it's a good time to buy that one thing you've been wanting for a decent price (provided you do your research and compare prices and all that..) But when it comes to buying stuff because of 'in the moment i need that' syndrome, then there's a lot of waste. :/ .. Sorry this kinda turned into a semi-rant. x__x

Posted in New Voltie Post Your Pics Maybe ?
Posted 6 years ago