Rei Ann's posts
Posted in Camp Half-Blood
Posted 4 years ago
I don't disagree. Hera for sure is owned some justice. Like, jeez, someone needs to reevalute his lustful ways. Like badly. Like you want to have tons of lovers, go ahead, but make sure everyone is cool with it first. Don't pretend to be some woman's husband. Who do you think you are, Uther Pendragon?

Posted in Video game alphabet
Posted 4 years ago
Guild Wars

Posted in Animals A - Z
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in Marvel Characters A-Z
Posted 4 years ago
Miss Marvel.

Posted in Camp Half-Blood
Posted 4 years ago
Maybe it's the curse of having Zeus as your dad. Maybe Hera getting her revenge for Apollo birth through rekting the love life?

Posted in Camp Half-Blood
Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: But as an kid of Apollo. Aren't like all his lovers really unlucky? If I recall the myths right. Then again, my da be Zeus, and well yea........h.

Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann)
Posted 4 years ago
"It's miserable, sure, but we still exist, and would you want to waste away, because someone couldn't be bothered? You yourself hate the fate handed to you, yet we here are all tied to your whims, no one asked. It was just declared. So maybe my angry at you, at this life, is my only way to rail against fate?" She wasn't sure, but she also didn't think the gods were real until yesterday. She had thought it was a hoax to control the people, but now she just felt the helpless of her situation. Her life, was tied to a man who wanted them dead, because he couldn't have that choice. It all did seem rather pointless now.
Dorothea pondered his words on marriage. She didn't think true love didn't last, but she was starting to think no one had ever found passionate love. Sure sexual love or family love, but there had to be a love that ran deep and lasted forever. There just had to be, but maybe because both humans and gods were so focused on what seemed like the logical perfect match, it wasn't given a chance to grow. "I wonder if the only reason it doesn't last for anyone, is because no one is ever given a choice, in marriage partner. So because god nor human is getting the say in their spouse, because whomever is making the match, want to apply logic to the heart. Well the heart doesn't response to logic, which is why humans and gods alike end up chasing after others. It's makes me wonder...that's all."
She turned back around and looked at him. She wonder if maybe she might sit down again. She glanced around trying to decided where to sit. She still felt so uneasy near him, and didn't want to get to close. " Huh, just the order of the universe, rather simplistic isn't it. Rather unfair too." She took a step towards him, but then froze. Maybe he wouldn't want her to get closer to him. He hadn't told her to sit back down or come closer again. Ugh why was she getting so nervous, was it because they were just talking more, and he seemed more normal. But she was suppose to be mad at him. He was the reason, that anyone she ever knew could die. So why was she acting like some shy maiden. Maybe, she was just in her head to much.
Her gaze snapped to him, when he mentioned her could offer her an escape. When he asked why did she deny the opportunity to be with him, and wanted to know what more could a woman want she had to hold back a laugh. " Well, for starters, love and security. You said it yourself, you don't think love lasts. Your life spans forever. My looks they'll fade. You don't want me because of me, you want me because my looks, but you think I'll be interesting in bed, I've never been bedded. I've never been kissed, when that's all you want to posses, you'll get bored. Maybe your bored after the first time, or a week. But it won't last and then what happens? You won't keep someone around that you'd have no use for, you'd rightly toss me aside. Then no one would want me, I'd be the unpure vile woman." Dorothea wasn't rebuking him, she was just explaining her thoughts. Sure would it be nice to throw caution to the wind and bed a god..maybe. But the risk and danger was to high.
It was all together worse because well she'd be lying, if she didn't admit she had wondered what it might be like to be kissed by him. She had heard other girls talk about being kissed before, and well even if his morals was lacking, he was slightly a lovely sight. Would kissing him be soft and tender, or wild and passionate? Were his lips soft or rough? Would he leave breathless and drive her wild? Dorothea hadn't realized that her gaze had shifted to staring at his lips, nor that her face was giving away what she might be thinking about. In fact she looked absolutely scarlet red.
Dorothea pondered his words on marriage. She didn't think true love didn't last, but she was starting to think no one had ever found passionate love. Sure sexual love or family love, but there had to be a love that ran deep and lasted forever. There just had to be, but maybe because both humans and gods were so focused on what seemed like the logical perfect match, it wasn't given a chance to grow. "I wonder if the only reason it doesn't last for anyone, is because no one is ever given a choice, in marriage partner. So because god nor human is getting the say in their spouse, because whomever is making the match, want to apply logic to the heart. Well the heart doesn't response to logic, which is why humans and gods alike end up chasing after others. It's makes me wonder...that's all."
She turned back around and looked at him. She wonder if maybe she might sit down again. She glanced around trying to decided where to sit. She still felt so uneasy near him, and didn't want to get to close. " Huh, just the order of the universe, rather simplistic isn't it. Rather unfair too." She took a step towards him, but then froze. Maybe he wouldn't want her to get closer to him. He hadn't told her to sit back down or come closer again. Ugh why was she getting so nervous, was it because they were just talking more, and he seemed more normal. But she was suppose to be mad at him. He was the reason, that anyone she ever knew could die. So why was she acting like some shy maiden. Maybe, she was just in her head to much.
Her gaze snapped to him, when he mentioned her could offer her an escape. When he asked why did she deny the opportunity to be with him, and wanted to know what more could a woman want she had to hold back a laugh. " Well, for starters, love and security. You said it yourself, you don't think love lasts. Your life spans forever. My looks they'll fade. You don't want me because of me, you want me because my looks, but you think I'll be interesting in bed, I've never been bedded. I've never been kissed, when that's all you want to posses, you'll get bored. Maybe your bored after the first time, or a week. But it won't last and then what happens? You won't keep someone around that you'd have no use for, you'd rightly toss me aside. Then no one would want me, I'd be the unpure vile woman." Dorothea wasn't rebuking him, she was just explaining her thoughts. Sure would it be nice to throw caution to the wind and bed a god..maybe. But the risk and danger was to high.
It was all together worse because well she'd be lying, if she didn't admit she had wondered what it might be like to be kissed by him. She had heard other girls talk about being kissed before, and well even if his morals was lacking, he was slightly a lovely sight. Would kissing him be soft and tender, or wild and passionate? Were his lips soft or rough? Would he leave breathless and drive her wild? Dorothea hadn't realized that her gaze had shifted to staring at his lips, nor that her face was giving away what she might be thinking about. In fact she looked absolutely scarlet red.

Posted in Hello! I'm new to this site~
Posted 4 years ago
Welcome to Voltra.

Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann)
Posted 4 years ago
Dorothea rolled her eyes at his insistence that he only healed her because he didn't want to look at the cut. " I know that, but I still benefited from it, the least I can do is thank you. ". She snapped. It wasn't like she was going to think she was special to him. " At least there is an end to it? I don't know why you envy the ability to die. I don't want to die. None of us want to die." Maybe he was annoyed with having forever, but what did she get? A short life time, and then bam it's over. No more anything, he would get to partake in the joys of living forever and he just wanted to toss it away. Maybe he should have been the god of the underworld, then he could have all the death he wanted.
Dorothea mused on his thoughts about marriage between gods. "Well honestly, that sounds alot like human marriages. You are lucky if there is love. Most people don't love whom they marry. Sure they love their kids, but I won't get to choose to have a child because I love my husband. I'll be forced to carry a child, but that's the expectation. Then if I'm lucky to live through the birth, I get to do it again. Well if I'm lucky, maybe my husband won't take a mistress. He'll just visit the bath houses. But if I wanted a lover, or did anything to ruin my purity, I'd be hung in the streets" He really didn't get that humans were just as flaw as gods, if not even more flawed. Dorothea signed, " Maybe that's all marriage is for anyone, god or human, just a business transaction. What a waste of time for everyone.". She muttered bitterly. It was something she couldn't escape, it would be the very thing that would destroy her.
No one who had come for her hand, wanted to marry her because they loved her. Sure they desired her flesh, or her parent's land, but no one truly wanted her. She was just another shiny thing for them to posses. Just like she was a shiny toy for Aristide. It was exhausting. She ran her hand through part of her hair and turned her back to him. She stared up at the sky wondering if there was anyone out there would want her just for who she was, but well it was a foolish thought wasn't it.
There he was going on about humans created babies out of love. Was it really love? Or was it more their own selfish gain. A son to carry on the family line, a daughters to marry off to get more wealth. Children to use as labor. A never ending cycle, maybe he was right about something after all. Humans deserved to be hated. "You are mistaken, not all children are created out of love. Many a men force themselves upon women to get a child. Or a child is born, just to carry on the line, or to marry off to get someone more wealth. There are a lot more horrors on this land. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. No one here is truly free. We all have a role thrusted upon us, and it's so suffocating."
Here he was whining again that he never choose to be in charge of them. But they never asked him to be in charge. No human asked for gods to rule them, it was just something they had decided to do. "You know, we never asked the gods to be in charge. My village, before your temple was built, while yes we did pray and make offerings to the gods, we gathered and hunted for our own food. We aren't allowed to that anymore, because we're told that you'll take care of us. But we didn't ask for that, we didn't say oh please change our entire way of life. So who decided to force you the gods and goddesses to take care of the humans?"
Dorothea shook his head. Had he really not realized how their situations weren't similar. No of course not, because he only cared for this grief. "I have just wasted breath explaining how no we don't really have freedom. I don't get to chose any path in my life. I am delaying it. I could forced into the bridal bed tonight, and I would have to go kicking and screaming, but I'd have to go. I know that life will be the death of me, and I can't escape it. Just like anyone I've ever known. We control nothing and any freedom we have is merely an illusion to keep us obedient to the gods."
Dorothea mused on his thoughts about marriage between gods. "Well honestly, that sounds alot like human marriages. You are lucky if there is love. Most people don't love whom they marry. Sure they love their kids, but I won't get to choose to have a child because I love my husband. I'll be forced to carry a child, but that's the expectation. Then if I'm lucky to live through the birth, I get to do it again. Well if I'm lucky, maybe my husband won't take a mistress. He'll just visit the bath houses. But if I wanted a lover, or did anything to ruin my purity, I'd be hung in the streets" He really didn't get that humans were just as flaw as gods, if not even more flawed. Dorothea signed, " Maybe that's all marriage is for anyone, god or human, just a business transaction. What a waste of time for everyone.". She muttered bitterly. It was something she couldn't escape, it would be the very thing that would destroy her.
No one who had come for her hand, wanted to marry her because they loved her. Sure they desired her flesh, or her parent's land, but no one truly wanted her. She was just another shiny thing for them to posses. Just like she was a shiny toy for Aristide. It was exhausting. She ran her hand through part of her hair and turned her back to him. She stared up at the sky wondering if there was anyone out there would want her just for who she was, but well it was a foolish thought wasn't it.
There he was going on about humans created babies out of love. Was it really love? Or was it more their own selfish gain. A son to carry on the family line, a daughters to marry off to get more wealth. Children to use as labor. A never ending cycle, maybe he was right about something after all. Humans deserved to be hated. "You are mistaken, not all children are created out of love. Many a men force themselves upon women to get a child. Or a child is born, just to carry on the line, or to marry off to get someone more wealth. There are a lot more horrors on this land. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. No one here is truly free. We all have a role thrusted upon us, and it's so suffocating."
Here he was whining again that he never choose to be in charge of them. But they never asked him to be in charge. No human asked for gods to rule them, it was just something they had decided to do. "You know, we never asked the gods to be in charge. My village, before your temple was built, while yes we did pray and make offerings to the gods, we gathered and hunted for our own food. We aren't allowed to that anymore, because we're told that you'll take care of us. But we didn't ask for that, we didn't say oh please change our entire way of life. So who decided to force you the gods and goddesses to take care of the humans?"
Dorothea shook his head. Had he really not realized how their situations weren't similar. No of course not, because he only cared for this grief. "I have just wasted breath explaining how no we don't really have freedom. I don't get to chose any path in my life. I am delaying it. I could forced into the bridal bed tonight, and I would have to go kicking and screaming, but I'd have to go. I know that life will be the death of me, and I can't escape it. Just like anyone I've ever known. We control nothing and any freedom we have is merely an illusion to keep us obedient to the gods."

Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann)
Posted 4 years ago
She didn't expect him to do anything to make up for the fact he had hurt her today. Maybe he was healing her because he didn't intend to damage her, and wanted the only wounds on her body to be ones he choose to make? Really as she thought about his reasoning, it was probably something as simple as he didn't want to see blood. He'd do it for his comfort not her own. He told her he hated humans, and that included her, she was just his entertainment of the week. She was sure he'd get bored of her soon. Though the strangest thing about the whole thing, was that his power felt a bit like a tickle. "Thank you..." While she was sure he didn't do it for her, she should still thank him.
Dorothea noted mentally that he didn't answer her question about a place he loved. Instead he left her with a barrage of questions to answer. " Because I love my parents. I don't want them to die. Sure I know some point I have to let them go, but I'm still so young. I'm not ready to. Plus I'm a woman, not some goddess or amazon would can make her own fate. I'm either my parents property or my husbands. I don't get the option to run off and become whatever I want." Part of it was love, and maybe part of it was selfishness. She was buying time, time with her loved ones, time to be mostly free. She wasn't the daughters of some politician or King, she didn't get a live of comfort. She would get marriage to some farmer, or maybe a warrior and she live a life of hardship. She would be expected to give birth to a child within a year of marriage. If she was lucky her husband would love her, but more often than not the woman wasn't lucky.
Dorothea couldn't have but laugh when he said he wanted to meet her mother. "Oh no, I can't have that, which a face as handsome as yours, she'd might try matchmaking on your behalf. Or worse try to style your hair."[/b]. It didn't dawn on her that she had revealed what she thought about his looks. It was just something that he slipped out. Frankly to her it was a shame he as handsome as he was cold-hearted. "Oh really, now that would be sight to see. If you wouldn't sit still, did she ever mange to finish braiding your hair?" He looked the type to not sit still. She could see him running through open fields, laughing and playing his harp. She couldn't imagine him living a stuffy life sitting still and listening to prattle of other gods or humans.
For a brief second when he grabbed her chin, she flinched slightly. She was worried that he might hurt her like he did yesterday. She didn't expect the tickle of his divine energy , if was he healing her bruises? Well he had said they were ugly, when critiquing her mother's attempts to dress her up. Still he was so dangerously close to her, hat it wouldn't take much for him to kiss her. Not that she wanted that, just because he had a stupidly handsome face. He was still a jerk! But she couldn't help the flush that spread across her cheeks. No man or god had ever been this close to her before. She was completely untouched in the matters of love and the flesh.
She was relived when he backed a bit away, but she was still unnerved by the constant eye contact. "Is that how it works, they just know what you are going to be the god of? But what if you had hate music, are you allowed change what you are the god of?"
Dorothea noted mentally that he didn't answer her question about a place he loved. Instead he left her with a barrage of questions to answer. " Because I love my parents. I don't want them to die. Sure I know some point I have to let them go, but I'm still so young. I'm not ready to. Plus I'm a woman, not some goddess or amazon would can make her own fate. I'm either my parents property or my husbands. I don't get the option to run off and become whatever I want." Part of it was love, and maybe part of it was selfishness. She was buying time, time with her loved ones, time to be mostly free. She wasn't the daughters of some politician or King, she didn't get a live of comfort. She would get marriage to some farmer, or maybe a warrior and she live a life of hardship. She would be expected to give birth to a child within a year of marriage. If she was lucky her husband would love her, but more often than not the woman wasn't lucky.
Dorothea couldn't have but laugh when he said he wanted to meet her mother. "Oh no, I can't have that, which a face as handsome as yours, she'd might try matchmaking on your behalf. Or worse try to style your hair."[/b]. It didn't dawn on her that she had revealed what she thought about his looks. It was just something that he slipped out. Frankly to her it was a shame he as handsome as he was cold-hearted. "Oh really, now that would be sight to see. If you wouldn't sit still, did she ever mange to finish braiding your hair?" He looked the type to not sit still. She could see him running through open fields, laughing and playing his harp. She couldn't imagine him living a stuffy life sitting still and listening to prattle of other gods or humans.
For a brief second when he grabbed her chin, she flinched slightly. She was worried that he might hurt her like he did yesterday. She didn't expect the tickle of his divine energy , if was he healing her bruises? Well he had said they were ugly, when critiquing her mother's attempts to dress her up. Still he was so dangerously close to her, hat it wouldn't take much for him to kiss her. Not that she wanted that, just because he had a stupidly handsome face. He was still a jerk! But she couldn't help the flush that spread across her cheeks. No man or god had ever been this close to her before. She was completely untouched in the matters of love and the flesh.
She was relived when he backed a bit away, but she was still unnerved by the constant eye contact. "Is that how it works, they just know what you are going to be the god of? But what if you had hate music, are you allowed change what you are the god of?"

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more
Posted 4 years ago
@Count Trashula: Could I perchance buy one of the Seraph at 5k?

Posted in Camp Half-Blood
Posted 4 years ago
I’ve seen more of the old thundercats and only a bit of he-man. The YouTube video stands out more to me if he doing that one song. I think it’s a meme video.

Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann)
Posted 4 years ago
Dorothea for a moment considered just staying on the ground. If he was going to knock her to it, maybe she'd save him time and just stay there. She titled her head and looked up at him when he first asked her to come here. Why? For a brief moment he held out a hand to her before he pulled it back. So it did seem him care about something for a second. Sighing she picked herself up from the ground. She paused once she was standing to dust off her clothing. Her mother would be upset with her for ruining these robes, it would be impossible for them to get the thread to fix it. Finally as he demanded twice she approached him. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked well anywhere but his face. Yet again he had hurt her and had the gull to be angry that she wasn't entertaining him
She had to bite her tongue when he asked didn't she want to leave this wretched village. A village that was only wretched because of his very actions. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Do you not have place you love? Do you not have a home you don't want to leave behind? If I leave, my parents give up. They are already so weak now, I am the only one who can still collect food for them. Marriage isn't all rainbows. I'll be nothing more than slave in my husband's home forced to birth child, and possibly beaten if I fail to give him sons. There is no stable future for me, I'll be held to the whims of my husband, and my parents die. Selfish as it may be, or stupid, it's better to chase them all off to prolong what time they have left.". She didn't expect him to understand. His parents, his friends, all the other gods lived forever. There was no end.
There was no cruel goodbyes. They got to what they wanted, even if they killed entire villages nothing happened to them. Here he was demanding her to talk about something, but she didn't know what to talk about. Lately all her life had been trying to survive, she wasn't sure if she could remember something interesting. She scoffed when he asked if she tried to look fancy for him. If she was trying to look fancy for him, it'd be better to have shown up as naked as the day she was born. As he had made it very clear where his real interest with her lied. "You really do better at telling my mother that. This is all her doing.".
She didn't want him to think she had told her mother about this, she had a feeling that would anger him. Adjust her voice to tone that was mock of her mother's voice. "Why Dorothea, the most wonderful man will be in town today, you must simply look your best. This might very well be your last chance to be wife. Now sit here and let me do your hair.". She would have pulled down, if she could figure how to undo what her mother had done. Which she felt might have been her mother's intention.
" As for the bruises those weren't of my making, and it'll probably take weeks to heal. So guess you'll be stuck with the unsightly sight for a bit" She shrugged, there wasn't much she could do about it. Humans were not made to be touched with full godlike strength. She had to roll her eyes when he said he wasn't impressed, if that was the case, why was he playing nervously with his hair. Not that she cared what he thought. He was a jerk, okay a good look jerk...but a JERK. She bit down on her bottom lip and fiddled with her toga nervously. "So the long have you been studying it?". She was eager to get the conversation off her looks, and maybe he would take the chance to wax on about himself.
She had to bite her tongue when he asked didn't she want to leave this wretched village. A village that was only wretched because of his very actions. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Do you not have place you love? Do you not have a home you don't want to leave behind? If I leave, my parents give up. They are already so weak now, I am the only one who can still collect food for them. Marriage isn't all rainbows. I'll be nothing more than slave in my husband's home forced to birth child, and possibly beaten if I fail to give him sons. There is no stable future for me, I'll be held to the whims of my husband, and my parents die. Selfish as it may be, or stupid, it's better to chase them all off to prolong what time they have left.". She didn't expect him to understand. His parents, his friends, all the other gods lived forever. There was no end.
There was no cruel goodbyes. They got to what they wanted, even if they killed entire villages nothing happened to them. Here he was demanding her to talk about something, but she didn't know what to talk about. Lately all her life had been trying to survive, she wasn't sure if she could remember something interesting. She scoffed when he asked if she tried to look fancy for him. If she was trying to look fancy for him, it'd be better to have shown up as naked as the day she was born. As he had made it very clear where his real interest with her lied. "You really do better at telling my mother that. This is all her doing.".
She didn't want him to think she had told her mother about this, she had a feeling that would anger him. Adjust her voice to tone that was mock of her mother's voice. "Why Dorothea, the most wonderful man will be in town today, you must simply look your best. This might very well be your last chance to be wife. Now sit here and let me do your hair.". She would have pulled down, if she could figure how to undo what her mother had done. Which she felt might have been her mother's intention.
" As for the bruises those weren't of my making, and it'll probably take weeks to heal. So guess you'll be stuck with the unsightly sight for a bit" She shrugged, there wasn't much she could do about it. Humans were not made to be touched with full godlike strength. She had to roll her eyes when he said he wasn't impressed, if that was the case, why was he playing nervously with his hair. Not that she cared what he thought. He was a jerk, okay a good look jerk...but a JERK. She bit down on her bottom lip and fiddled with her toga nervously. "So the long have you been studying it?". She was eager to get the conversation off her looks, and maybe he would take the chance to wax on about himself.

Posted in Camp Half-Blood
Posted 4 years ago
Well I'm a 90's kid, lol. So I saw reruns when I was young, plus Thundercats got remade and I think there a new he-man so, so you can see them now if you want.
I do think the new Shera show is def worth the watch.
I do think the new Shera show is def worth the watch.