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Posted in Hello! \(‘u’)/ Posted 4 years ago
@jupiter: Hello and Welcome. I myself joined a few days ago.
Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann) Posted 4 years ago
Unexpectedly it didn't take him to show up. Dorothea had to admit, at least he was prompt. She expected him to make her wait, as some additionally sort of punishment. When he made his comment about being lovely, she knew it was about the harp if only because she hadn't spoken to him yet. What was she suppose to say? It was easier to yell at him, when angry, but now she was just wary. When he finally looked at her, she was worried he might notice her mother's attempt to "pretty" her up. She was concerned he might think it was for him and try laying it on thick again. However he didn't even seem to notice. Instead he was yelling at her for not speaking to him. It was clear with every word of how less and insignificant he saw humans.

'So far it seems we are worth less than deer, harps..I expected a god to consider us than themselves, but we still living beings' She thought to herself. "You'd be mistaken, there have been far too many suitors. There just isn't any today, because I'm avoiding them, I don't want someone to die because of me. It's one thing for me to chase them off myself, with my behavior, it's another to get them killed. Just because my parents want to get me out of this village before we all die.. But I am sure you don't want to be reminded of that."

Anything else she may of said to provide this selfish one with his entertainment was lost, when he decided to lean against her to hold up his weight. He either had little experience with humans, or did not care that his natural strength as a god was to much for her. With how heavy he was, she didn't last sitting on the rock. She ended up sliding off and hitting the ground with a thump. She heard the tear of her fabric and felt a sting on her knee. "Watch it! Do you not realize, I don't have a fraction of strength? Ignoring the fact that you are a god for a mere moment. You are well fed man, and probably in the perfect form. I am mere woman, who hasn't had a real meal in years. I'm not some amazon, I am fragile".

She couldn't help but get angry with him. It hadn't even been minutes, and he had already hurt her by his carelessness. He hadn't he noticed the damage he had done to her body yesterday. At this rate, he was more likely to kill by accident. She sighed knowing this wouldn't get her anywhere. " Forget it, why would care the damage you've done to a mere human, you haven't before" She muttered bitterly. She was starting to feel like the god of the sun, might be the evilest person she had ever met. " You want me to talk, but about what?
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
Hear me out, what if all three?
Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann) Posted 4 years ago
Dorothea didn't know when she was suppose to head to the temple. He didn't give her any direction other than play the harp and summon me, did that mean he expected her to spend the whole day with him? She couldn't possibly do that, she was the only one in her family who could still mange to work the fields. Not that it was yielding any crops. Then she had to go scrounge for acorns and anything else, that they might find to eat that wasn't in protected land.

It didn't help that once it was morning, her parents were pestering her with a million questions. Why was she covered in bruises? "I fell" She lied. But that led to them questioning the one on her chin, where a certain brutish god has gripped her too tight. Why was she going to temple, why didn't she stay here today. They knew of a nice man who'd be visiting today, and maybe she could give him a chance. "No! you really shouldn't do that. I told you, I don't want to marry. You know, the gods don't want me to marry.".

Which of course her parents weren't going to listen. Much like Aristide's parents, hers didn't listen either. They were worried, and wanted her to just grow up and accept it was time to get married. Sensing that she wasn't going to get anywhere, Dorothea had rushed off to due her morning chores before the fight could get worse. It was midday before she made her way back to the home. She had managed to find a few more acorns than normal. It made her briefly wonder, if this was what he might by providing for the land. It was an improvement sure, but wasn't going to fix a thing.

When she got home, her mother not giving her the chance to run off, had forced her to sit. It seemed that her mother had decided to doll her up. Which really was just putting her hair up, and forcing her to change into her fancier toga. Then with orders not to leave, her parents told her they would be back with their visitor of the day. There was no way she was going to stay put. First if she met this suitor, it would probably end in his death. At least that what she had been told last night. Instead, she grabbed the harp and left the house via the only window. Thankfully, it was close to the ground.

On her way to the temple, she had to make sure that she avoid the main road in town. Else her parents would have dragged her back. She also knew that she didn't want go directly to the temple, play the harp and summon him, because all the temple folk would swarm him. He had ordered that no one see his harp with her, well at least if they were from the temple. So instead she decided the best location, would be the part of the forest near the river stream. It wouldn't be as rustic for a god, and maybe he'd find the sight pleasant. Not that she cared what he liked, but well he had her life in his hands.

It didn't take her more than an hour to find the river bank. She glanced around and didn't see anyone. She sat down on one of the larger rocks there, and looked down at the harp."Now, how do I play this? Do I just pluck a cord?" Silence was her only answer. Taking a deep breath, she reached out with a single finger and pluck the one cord in the middle.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I HAVE THE POWER! Oh wait that's He-Man. Lol.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty:
@Klo Tklarau:

Alright alright you both win, I’ll use my gifts for evil. -muwahahha
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: That’s for sure. See now you’ve given me new ideas for this skill of mine. Oh but I don’t want to use to for evil gain.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Well it is fun to mess with Percy. Man the electric troubles are big. I’ll sit at my desk at work, just simply typing. I’ll get up walk a few steps and touch the printer or a cabinet and bam I’m shocking my self. It’s an all year hassle.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Thank you for the welcome. Well is Jason can fly, I sure hope I can. That would be lovely and maybe I could make a few sparks too. I do have crazy static electricity problems ever day in my life, maybe there is more to this than it seems.

Orange is a lovely color to worry about and well I can’t help but also enjoy the fruit.
Posted in A - Z Fruits and Veggies Posted 4 years ago
Zebra Eggplant
Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann) Posted 4 years ago
"My precious village as you put it, is already in squalor. It's already on been condemn. You decided that. Maybe I'm just tired of it all. Maybe this is the chance you've been waiting for to unshackle yourself from your burden? Or maybe I'm just mad, you'll decided either way" She stated as if it was a pure fact. Sure she was righteous, but why should she throw herself at her feet for a mere promise of some relief. Sure he said he could make things better, but she had no real assurance of that. For all she knew, he could play with her until he had his full and still let her village suffer. He had admitted to her openly that he resented them.

"I do wonder though, have did you ever see what this land was like before the temple? Before the despair. I wonder if the stark difference would impact you, at least it was lively before, there even use to be festival for the gods. I think yours was about music" She wasn't sure why she was telling him this. It's not like he would care, and she couldn't even tell him much about his festivals. The last one had been held when was was 10 and way to young to be attending a festival for a god like him. It was very much an open love affair to music and other such vices.

She grinned when commented about how he thought humans had more sense of propriety. " You'll find, I'm not like most humans. Just a bit ago, I didn't think you existed. Though, maybe to you, I'm just a foolish human."She couldn't help but remark. She knew well to hide her smile, he proclaimed she'd be serving him. He hadn't realized that she had basically gotten off easy. He was agreeing to just use her as a talking vessel, and well if he tried anything unsavorily she figured she could goad him into killing her. Dorothea may value her own life, but she valued her freedom more. Which he didn't seem to realize, that was what it was all really about.

When he demanded that she come every day, she didn't think it was such a bad issue. Her parents would either think she was off being courted by someone, and she could avoid any suitors they may send her way. "Okay, at what time? During morning light, midday light or as the sun sets?" The last thing she expected was him to hold out his harp to her. She took it gently into her arms before she realized that she had accepted the instrument. " Ah, this is way to precious to leave in my care" She protested weakly. What if someone tried to rob her thinking they could sell this for some scraps of food.

If he was angry because of her insults, what would he do if she lost his harp. "I promise you, I will be here at the anointed time". She wasn't foolish enough to go back on her word. She had already made so many foolish decisions today. After their talk ended, she made the long trek back to the village. She didn't realize at the time that she had left her bow and arrow with him. Her head was spinning for the rest of the night. What little she had thought to be true, didn't seem so black and white now.

While she enjoyed a meager dinner with her parents she refused to answer their questions about her day. All she told them, is that tomorrow and every day forward she would be busy helping at the temple. She wouldn't explain otherwise, and before she knew it, it was the next day. She couldn't even recall going to sleep. She had spent the night worrying about what would happen now. There was no way this wasn't going to end in her death eventually.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
It's gets very cold in Maryland, one needs a lot of warm socks.

Ah, it's been so long. Though I do wish I had been able to see the Broadway production. I heard the films weren't well that great, but the musical is.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
@CooperationIsKey: Well most of my socks are super basic hanes socks. Very plain and normal ish? I guess, expect for my fuzzy winter socks. My house is all hardwood so it gets very cold. I have some amazing Christmas theme fuzzy socks too. I would love to have high rise socks, if my calfes weren't so big.

So its' been ages since I read the books, but does each god have their own color? For me, I tend to deck out in shades of blue if I have the chance. But I wouldn't think that's a Zeus color.
Posted in Marvel Characters A-Z Posted 4 years ago