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Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: I wish the news wasn't consider entertainment. I wish it could be just here are the facts, etc.

Right, I was like, dude why did you even answer your dad's questions. He know now to say like hey that's not okay, but I'm my guy first well everything, so he was caught off guard. Like if his dad comes to over to help with house work, and I'm like it's this, he ingores me and keeps trying to solve the problem. I'm like dude, I'm from a small town in bumfeck nowhere, I know that my basement is flooding, because there is no grass in my yard to stop the water.

That's terrible of your father. I am sorry that you've had to deal with that. Like people who end up dating abusers, aren't dumb for that. I know that what happens is mental issues. One of my mom's exes, my ex step dad, was abusive. I find that people start to think that well this is all I'm worth, or that it's their fault for the abuse, etc, and so it get's so hard to reach out, and it must be worse when someone who suppose to be loving parent will say shit like that. If you ever do get the chance to move out, then I do hope you can cut contact with your dad.

Your mom sounds like she had grown tons and tons, and that's good. I have a old highschool friend, he ended up transitioning himself, and his mom didn't stay in contact with him, but his father did. I was always impressed that his father choose to stay by his now son's side.

Side off topic note, for the god rp reply, if you want to move to the next day, you can do that, and assume at some point dorothea summoned him, you can choose the location for the day.
Posted in A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann) Posted 4 years ago
Dorothea didn't know what to make of his facial expression, he seemed upset that she wasn't joining the temple. Did he really want to possess her that much? She had thought if she had promised her voice to him in the way she suggested that it would be enough. Did he forget that there was really no benefit to her. It wasn't like he was even doing his job, or giving her food. Sure at the temple her life might be better, but her parents still mattered to her. When he asked her to promise to sing to him everyday, she wanted to point out that she just had said she'd do that, but had a feeling he wouldn't care. "Of course. I promise." Though they both knew it wasn't really a promise, because she clearly didn't have a choice. This what he was demanding of her, instead of killing her for the deer yesterday. A deer that didn't even die, frankly it was insulting that a deer meant more to him, then the lives he was suppose to protect. That she was basically a slave, that he was allowing the pretense of freedom.

That thought was enough to sour her mood, and make her wonder why she was being nice with him. Why she felt pity for his situation and understanding. There must be something wrong with me, she surmised. She watched him wearily as he stood up. There he was treating her as no more of a common slave. As yes, that was her the useful human, that wasn't worth smiting yet. She could laugh bitterly, oh she was sure he had things to do on Olympus, but unless it was a lover, he wouldn't do any of it. " Yes, I know, I'm well aware of what you expect of me." She muttered bitterly. She had been foolish this afternoon to forget herself, to act as if they were friends, when in reality, she was bound in servitude. She was so angry at herself.

She watched as him he started to ascend back to the heavens. She scoffed when he smiled down staying that she was his. "I'm well aware that I have no freedom left, I don't need the reminder! " She shouted up at him. She didn't realize that he could be joking around. She saw it, as him reminder her that she was yet again nothing to him. She was worth less than a deer, she wasn't allowed to have her friend. She had to wonder as she stood if he knew that he was treating her in a way in parents treated him. She now really had to freedom, no rights to make any choices. She'd have to serve him until he tired of her. He may not force her to warm his bed, but he wasn't giving her the option to refuse to see him. She sighed knowing it was no use to think on this, he wouldn't care either way.

She picked up the harp and made the long trek back to her home. When she walked into the house, she was worried that the man her parents wanted her to meet might be there. Luckily, well for the man, not her, she was instead meet by her two angry parents. "Where were you! It was important you were here for our guest today!"

"I told you I have duties at the temple. I can not miss them, you wouldn't want me to anger Aristide the Bright, would you?" Her parents then told her that tomorrow she had to be there, that this man, whoever he was would be angry with her and them if she didn't show. Some story was told about how he had traveled a far distance to make her his second wife after the first one had died. That he was wealthy, and bunch of other things she tuned out. With that lecture over her parents, left her alone. She moved to sit at the window staring outside, while trying to keep tears at bay. "It seems freedom, love, foo,. Prosperity, isn't allowed for me. It might be better if I cease to exist." She muttered quietly. All she knew for sure was that tomorrow she'd have to leave before her daily chores to avoid her parents and this suitor. She'd have to go without her morning meal as well just to avoid the anger of her godly master.
Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: I'll be honest, I hate all new stations. So much of the news is creating views to get more ads. I find all of the tv stations are trying to spin things to make it circus. I get they need to make money but still.

Ugh that is the worse. I think that's worst then when my future father in law asked my fiancé, who was my boyfriend at the time, if we were sexually active and if I would keep or get rid of a baby, if that happened. This was during a lunch, he had with my fiance, while I was at work. We didn't even live together when he asked. I was upset by it, cause it's like dude, you do not ask people personal questions like that. Like ugh.

Yeah, It's good when people keep growing and changing for the good. Sounds like your dad finds something wrong with himself, and so he watches fox which will tell him, it's x y z fault, and not good american, such BS.
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyB: Well I have today off from work, so I decided to do a little play in the morning. I think the new area is lovely. Who are those three characters you mention are they newer ones?
Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyB: Well until about an hour ago, I was focusing on finishing that quest line and just got to Inazuma. I'm working on the quest line to leave the outlanders area.

The history nerd in me is loving this, because it draws comparisons to when Japan was in the age of Isolation.
Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: Are you sure that your dad isn't one of my step relatives? Because he sounds a lot like my stepaunt. Really I can't stand how fox brainwashes older people like that.
Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: I understand. Well I do hope that things get better for you mentally soon. Or at least if you are able to eventually talk to someone.

As for the vaccine, one of them is FDA approved. It's pzifier. It was big in the news. If she was waiting on that she should go get it. Getting it means you don't die if you get covid, so I'm glad the father in law got it. But he does spend all the time watching fox news and some things he's said to his son, my finace have been craZEY!
Posted in Things Found in the Garden A-Z Posted 4 years ago
Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: There is no shame in having to need help again. That's what they are there for. My best friend irl, legit can not function without seeing a therapist. She would tell you, that it's ok to regress, as long as you keep trying and seeking help when you need it. I understand why you feel ashamed and why it will take time to feel like it's okay to ask for help, but I just want to offer some reassure that you aren't weak or a failure or any other negative thing because you need help again. Admitting you need help, and getting it is a very strong thing to do, and shows that you have a strong will to change. Like anything that will be bumps and some back sliding, but it's okay to "fail" as long as you keep trying.

I hope that's somewhat reassuring.

Ehhh, it's kinda his fault. He's a right leaner guy, and like constantly going to church and not wearing a mask anymore. Like my future mother in law is nothing like that, but he wouldn't have gotten tested, if she hadn't nagged him to. I might, I'll have to see how they look. I tend to have low esteem when it comes to pictures of me.
Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 4 years ago
Bucky deserves to own all the asses, for life. He needs the world.
Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: I would say if you find the strength to start looking for a therapist, it sounds like you could benefit from it. I know it can be daunting, but some people do really better having someone to talk to. If you have insurance, you should be able to use your insurance provider's find a doctor website and search for a therapist that would specialize in the issue you'd like to discuss.

Well we all are vaccinated so at least it'll be a mild cause for the future father in law. It's in March 2022. We have a starry night/fairytale theme.

Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyB: Oh so that is how I can go to the new area. I was wondering where that quest was for me.
Posted in Rei's Event Hangout Posted 4 years ago
@Ava: Hey, as I tell my friends irl, that it's okay to have a bad weekend. I have suffered from depression since like middle school, it comes and goes. So you don't have to worry about bring the mood down, when you are feeling down. It's okay. I'm glad you are at least eating and using the restroom. You don't have to push yourself and you can take it slow.

My weekend is alright, we had a covid scare, fiancé dad has it, and he saw his dad last weekend. He had to run around yesterday to find a location to get tested. Thank god is was negative, which allowed us to go pick out his wedding suit. As for tomorrow, my plans are to hang out at home and reply to our rps.

Which as I know you are feeling down, don't feel pressure to force a reply, when I get them done.

Posted in Moody's Botanic Garden Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyB: I need to do my story quests as well. I'm doing the second set of Dainlief stuff. Right after I fight some herald dude?