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I never make mules/alt accounts unless i have a goal in mind like making a charity account.
Just the one milestone item i got fro free ^^;; i'm still playing catch up on the other items.
@Zach: if i could afford to ship i might offer to you xD.

i've got pokemon,yugioh, and mtg that i'm going through right now to get cards i don't need anymore out cause of space.
@Panda: what? xD no i'm shadami.
I never could get into Ernya :[
dragon you would pump out the math in seconds.
@Zach: 7 cents a card for bulk pokemon? really :O

and penny a card is all my friends asking for. xD i'm rather hoping i can do more than that so that i can get some of it >.> the individual cards are worth more than what he's asking i know that much.
that's why i like having moved back to the "city" so my internet is not so expensive anymore since all my jobs are on it.
nah bulk commons and uncommons. yeah its a penny a card. :3
I'm tired of having so many cards. i don't have the space anymore :[ so i'm just getting rid of as much as i can. and hoping to make some money off of it to help life not be so tight...
@Zach: i'm selling a bunch of cards for my friend. He wants 10$ for every thousand cards. and any extra goes to me for finding a buyer. And than of course shipping.
i have no idea who that could be dragoness *shifty eyes*
and did you randomly do the math to determine how much it is to get a full set of commons with just one color? :D
@Kaderin Triste: i thought that's why youw eren't posting because you were making the cookies :O