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i have booty :3 its called Booty Rum. its the brand of rum i drew in a pretty picture.
ooooooooo. yeah i don't think dragon is greedy. but does like to have a pile of treasure to sit on. xD
like dragon in what way?

and curses my stomach is growling again >.< sooo ohungry.....

hubby isn't home yet :[
oh were we suppossed to quote the ticket? xD
oh i wish i could be the winner on page 500 T.T
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
I like pokemon 2000 <3 that one was my favorite.
Congratulations dragon and gizzie !:]
you can do it!!! you're further along than i am and i wrote 60k words or so. xD but my plot line is just all meh.
yup i will definetly have to read it than bum :D
my yugioh and wow cards are already organized.... i just have to figure out where the extras went cause i'm getting rid of them. i'm only keeping one of each art at this point. for the art.
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
i don't care about the famous part. i care about the published part. xD
@Lunakiri: Mostly exciting yes. it means that my cards are FINALLY almost completely organized so they're not taking up surface space in random stacks. instead they're going in binders and organized boxes so we're not losing them everywhere and going "which pile in which room did we put this card?
not to much Lunakiri.
@Lunakiri: I'm trying to finish up sorting the cards i was working on. and my husband should be on his way up the stairs right now unless he had to stay late at work.
Oh god are we going to be doing that thing with the people die for things like swarm of bees?