Shadami's posts
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Well it would be a "come get a quest" more then a tavern to. Though it'd be fine for people to just be in the tavern as well. I think perhaps I may include one post for
"Character is currently on this quest here's a brief little summary of the currently happening"
So that if the pages move by in another characters storyline other characters can jump back in where they left off.
Or perhaps two characters are even off on the same adventure. XD basically an rp but I might direct stories like a dm with skill checks with specific DCs listed so you know how to reply and you don't even have to roll the DC on the forum . Just enjoy writing your post and playing the character
That's my thoughts currently anyways

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Goodnight Taf and thanks for checking! ^^ maybe I'll even hit 16k then!!! That'd be super exciting. ^^

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Oh I haven't even checked what my posts are at right now xD I may have hit it already.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I can't take compliments well. I'm all awwww thank you I don't believe in myself like that. I just enjoy it so much. And map making is. Ah. Beautiful. Love. So much fun.
Hold on I think I have a picture of one I did recently in discord.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: yes. I put it on temp hold cause I'm doing work for my nano this month. But what I may do is grab my half orc/dwarf who basically runs the Biting Cage in Bangralah and use him to run the tavern here as a jumping off point so I have very little prep work.
Then just figure out how many posts I need before opening.
I figure at least one to link to or quote characters that are currently on adventures or something. Still in the works for layout.
But I figured it could go in the rp forum as an open to place.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I should be tired. I'm trying to get more tired.
Huh I think I hear coyotes

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@dragoness129: I remember sitting in on one of your groups sessions and being soooooo confused and shy because everyone seemed to know each other xD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: how was your ac time?

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

You play horrors to die by door of course

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: awwww thank you. I just really enjoy world building and allowing people to have a place to play out a character and get creative. It's about the fun! ^^

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

*totally has been working on setting up a dnd tavern for anyone to pop in with a character and go off on an adventure I just haven't posted it fully to the forums yet because I wanted to finish post style and set up*

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: I'm also using it to encourage them to learn reading and math ect. My sweet little adhd child loves it because she is creative, she just struggles knowing things not in her head. Like written words. So we take the time to walk her through everything and I make character sheets simplified so she can not get overwhelmed. It's been nice.

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@ghost: you said ai dungeon is an app? Is it on droid? I may look it up xD

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@xvz: we have a discord with a dice rolling app and drop important information in it. And whenever someone has time and can contribute directly to the story they can. I keep them up to date on the forums with the chapters as I release them on WordPress. And then have a series of questions for them to answer for the next part so I know in general what could happen. And then I work it out as I write.
Like the last part I gave them a map and they plotted out their intended path. And "if you see another ship. How would you react" ect.