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I have a couple sessions of a and campaign recorded... but the campaign stopped T.T life.

What would Fi do with an unbreakable violin... very curious.

Is that why the mother was ACTUALLY glaring at Uni?

Oh dear lord... that many variations of any character will get insane. But I bet it would be some crazy fun stories from it.

Dragon i've been hearing so much about that one but haven't had the chance to watch it yet!

*snickers* I love Uni.

but gosh darn it Leroy Jenkins!! You and your stinking whelplings!!! (his cousin went to the same college as my brother xD )

I've played many campaigns over the years. One of which was campaigned by my now ex boyfriend as his first DMing experience.

We were running the Isle of Dread campaign, one I'm fond of running since I've made my own version of it. But my dad was in the campaign as well and talked the DM into allowing him to have inherited an entire SHIP that could cross the ocean so we could reach the campaign. we were supposed to have found a way to barter passage on a ship.
That was the first crazy thing that happened in the campaign. But the campaign is one of my favorites and has many things in it I love.

:O that's eeeeevilllll and hilarious to all outsiders.

Tabaxi <3 omg yessssss I already love her from what she did. Tabaxi + bard is 1000 times even better. <3

That's okay Bonnie. we'll chat when you can :D

Night Zombie
@SuperZombiePotatoe: Great to see you again <3

@Another Movie Addict: Omg that's amaaazing. I love when players actually care about NPCs <3

Is uni the character of the player missing, or your character ?

Tell tell twlll!!!! I love dungeons and dragons story. It's been my binge watch while I'm stuck on couches. I just watch YouTube and twitch and campaigns.
I misssss ittttt

Also I'm doing one in story format with sims and some sims literature authors. They rolled characters and I'll give rp prompts and what to roll for those interested in rolling. But most of it is up to me to write. It's not the same but it's what works with the geoup

On solia note... They did o.O that is unexpected.

Got distracted but!!!!!!!!!!
Dungeons and dragoooooooons¡!!!!!!!!!!! Loves <3

God... I've neglected solia, my threads are probably all closed. I can barely keep active on one site right now. >.<

Having a mule or two is nice. I've still only made one mile xD