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    @Totalanimefan: no I haven’t noticed that at all :o I went grocery shopping yesterday and everything was normal :o is it happening in the states?

    @Shadami: from a book series?

    @Shadami: are they from a tv show?

    @Shadami: are they fictional?

    @Shadami: are they alive? This is tough I’m so bad at this game lol.

    @Clover: hello, I like your avatar;)

    @Shadami: are they a musician?

    @Shadami: are they British?

    @Shadami: are they American?

    @Wildfire: lol 😂

    Are they male?

    @Shadami: lol no worries!! Enjoy your prize (:

    Sounds good to me!!

    @Shadami: awesome, congrats!! Send trade :)

    @star2000shadow: cool new avatar!!!

    @Totalanimefan: I’m sure you’ll do brilliant! You have certainly put the work in, it’s just a matter of time until you see results!!!