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    @Totalanimefan: I did! There’s nothing they can do to help but she suggested I get a letter from the dr about my mental health issues, and that might convince them to move me up to an A rating :) I have an appointment next week with the dr:)

    Yay page 36!

    @Totalanimefan: maybe! I just have to stay hopeful :)

    @Totalanimefan: they decide for me :( it’s completely out of my hands, which only makes it more frustration:( I’m sure one day I’ll be in my own house and happy, and I will forget all about these past few months XD

    @Totalanimefan: yep people with an urgent need for a home get ranked A. I understand why, but it’s still frustrating. There just aren’t enough one bedroom properties available unfortunately:(

    @Totalanimefan: so basically they grade you A to D based on priority. I am a B, which is the second highest. I have been on the list for 7 months now and it feels like I am getting nowhere:( there are always people with a higher priority than me :( my support worker is visiting tomorrow so I will talk with her about it.

    @Totalanimefan: idk how much longer I’ll be on the list :( I thought only a few months longer and I’d have my own place by Christmas, but now I’m not so sure :( it’s so disheartening!!
    Those brownies sound delicious:) I haven’t had anything sweet in quite a while!

    @wrik: hey, nice avatar!!

    @Totalanimefan: oh good luck for then :) I’m sure you are excited!!!!
    I am still waiting for my place, the waiting list is so long :(

    @Totalanimefan: it’s not new, they just had to clean and decorate after the previous guy moved out :)
    Is this to your condo? The one that isn’t ready yet?

    @Totalanimefan: so much work lol. I am dreading it haha. She has already been in unofficially and had a look (she went while they were doing maintenance and they left the door open lol) and she likes it :)

    @Totalanimefan: very excited but also dreading it lol it’ll be a lot of hard work, and with her disabilities it won’t be easy at all, but she’s still looking forward to everything being finished. I won’t see the new place until Saturday I believe but she is going to send me photos etc.

    @Totalanimefan: my mum will finally get the keys on Thursday:) then the real work begins lol.

    Hey everyone