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    @Rei Ann: ah, would you like me to send you some confetti?

    @star2000shadow: that’s understandable:) stairs are tough sometimes, I wish more places had lifts :( but I understand it’s expensive to have them fitted.

    @star2000shadow: :( ok. I feel your pain, I once lived underneath someone who was really petty and deliberately loud :( it’s tough.

    @Rei Ann: I’m good thanks, how are you?

    @Rei Ann: hi there :)

    The confetti rate will next increase on page 50!!

    @Totalanimefan: we are currently in the packing stage lol. Even tho I don’t live with my mum, all my possessions are with her as I can’t bring them to the hostel where I live. So I need to pack up all my stuff. It’s mostly all done but there is still lots of work lol.
    I have the event items I want, so I just have to be happy with that. It would have been nice to get some extra sets to give away in future but meh, never mind XD

    @star2000shadow: I meant for you to have a rave, and keep them awake XD lol.

    @Totalanimefan: take some time to mourn, but know that the right job is out there :) hugs!
    I’m doing good thanks, just relaxing. My mum is currently moving house and it is super stressful for everyone involved lol.
    I was able to buy 1 event set, which is surprising considering how active I’ve been :/

    @star2000shadow: :( time for a rave until the early morning lol.

    @Totalanimefan: everything happens for a reason, the right job is somewhere out there!! It’s still rough when you don’t get the result you want but I hope you’re not too upset :(

    @kittyberry: that’s great news!! I’m happy for you :)

    @Lopsided Oreo: lol you are just a super poster!!

    @Totalanimefan: oh no, that’s such a shame :( at least there will be other jobs, tho I know you really wanted this one :(

    @Totalanimefan: I saw about your interview :( that’s rough, I’m sorry it didn’t go so well <3

    @Totalanimefan: I know it’s hard, but try and relax :) they will at least understand that you are nervous!