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@Wildfire: Yes she did :) They let her out for Christmas dinner, but she had to go back in right away.

@Wildfire: Yep, my poor mum was in hospital for Christmas and New Year's that year XD

@Wildfire: It will still be fun! We usually go on my birthday (27th Dec) but maybe I can watch a recording on my birthday this year.
What is your favourite Christmas music? Do you lean towards the traditional, or the pop style songs?

@Eve: awesome, thank you!

@Wildfire: Yep, every year! They are putting some old recordings of shows on television but it won't be the same

@Wildfire: LOL maybe you need Christmas music?
Panto is short for Pantomime, it's basically a live show with celebrities retelling a fairy tale, but it's funny and there's music and pranks and things like that. It's very silly tbh, but it's fun. It's usually for kids but we still go anyway. I forgot it was a British thing, sorry!

@Wildfire: Seeing the reactions on Christmas morning is one of my favourite parts of the day :D It will be weird because going to the Panto is another tradition of ours but we couldn't do that this year. Such a weird year all round! We'll just have to make sure to have an extra good Christmas next year!

@Wildfire: Same here, this Christmas is going to be a weird one, so hopefully no one is expecting anything amazing. I usually like to buy lots of gifts for my mum but this year it just doesn't seem to have happened. Probably because I haven't been physically going out. Like, there's a Christmas Market in Nottingham that we usually go to but they're not having it this year :/

@Eve: Can I get a Frost Breath please?

@Wildfire: LOL yes, gotta factor in that tropical climate XD
I have done a bit of shopping online, but I haven't been out physically and I'm not sure when I will be able to (I live quite far from the city, it's an hour on the bus). I bought my mum and brother a few presents each so far.

@Wildfire: I'm sure he will!

@Aisukohi: That's a good idea. I usually like to buy surprises but that often leaves me stumped of ideas lol.

@Wildfire: Were your sons with you? Or is it a surprise present?

@Aisukohi: lol my thoughts exactly!

@MoodyB: it's going alright thanks. It's almost time to start writing.