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@Wildfire: no worries! Yes she is loving it, she has been taking her dog to lots of new parks etc. She lives relatively close to Nottingham City centre but she works quite far away (near me actually) and she can't wait until she passes her test and can drive it to work.
Umm idk if I would want to drive, it's kinda expensive. Also, I'm not allowed to drive because of my medication and my mental health issues. But I don't mind! I am happy with public transport (COVID aside lol).

@Wildfire: my cousin isn't a teen, she's the same age as me (28). In the UK we don't learn to drive in school and it's common for people in their 20s to not know how to drive. I can't drive, for example.

Posted in The Surge: December Crates! Posted 4 years ago

Ooooo awesome!

@Wildfire: no, this is her first one. She hasn't technically passed her test yet so she's only allowed to drive it with a licenced driver (my aunt) in the car.

@Wildfire: lol yeah, my cousin's loving it!

@Wildfire: She sold it to my cousin. She sold it because it was too expensive to run apparently, the insurance was too much. I offered to pay it for her but nah.
My head is feeling a little better today, though I am still a bit woozy. Paracetamol helps! :) how are you doing today?

@xvz: the story is here! It was written a few years ago so it's not my best work! Bear that in mind lol.
Umm he just looks like a standard imp creature, I didn’t change his physical description much. Also he's kind of a good guy in the story, who is working with the Miller's Daughter to save her from an abusive marriage.

@Wildfire: It's such a drag. But my mum went and sold our car so it's the only way we can get groceries now :/
I have done literally nothing else, I am supposed to be doing some writing now but idk if I can concentrate....

Posted in I'm New Here Posted 4 years ago

Welcome to the site!

@Wildfire: That's good to hear! That must have been an unsettling way to wake up:O
I'm doing OK thanks, still a bit dizzy today but nothing too bad. I went grocery shopping today, it took so long :( we have to walk, and it's such a long journey I feel like Frodo going up Mount Doom lmao.

@Wildfire: Hey. I hope you guys are OK with the tornado?? :O scary!

@xvz: Oh I love that Chinese myth! I wrote a (short) retelling of Chang'e's story a few years ago! It's such an amazing interesting myth!
I retold Rumpelstiltskin. It's basically a sci fi imagining that picks up after the original story ends. I set it on a spaceship and Rumpelstiltskin is some kind of alien/demon, and the king is a bad guy, and they go down to a foreign planet and get eaten by a sandworm. Lol it sounds ridiculous when I phrase it like that xD

@Wildfire: He created his uber account on my mum's phone so idk if something happened but both emails are connected.

@Wildfire: the thing is it's already linked to his email as well. It just has my mum's email as well for some reason???