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Hey everyone. Feeling pretty blah today :/

@Wildfire: Oh of course! Florida climate is not the best for typical pine trees lol.

@Purpsy: lol I thought that was just a stereotype!

@Aisukohi: yeah same tbh. I look forward to seeing your entry (even though it will be anonymous).

@Wildfire: yeah you can't beat the smell of a real tree. We usually plant ours afterwards, but we haven't been able to do that the past few years because we moved somewhere without a garden.

@Aisukohi: oh good luck with that! It's an interesting theme! Idk if I'll enter yet.

@Aisukohi: oh thank you. I want to do them justice ya know?

@Wildfire: lol I understand! Do you have a real tree or artificial?

@Wildfire: oh right xD I put ours up early because this year has been so depressing and I wanted something to cheer me up. Seeing all the baubles and lights etc makes me happy. And watching Christmas movies, even the terrible ones.

@Purpsy: oh close! I knew it was in that general area lol.

@Wildfire: oh exciting! I love putting the tree up. Taking it down not so much... Ours has been up since mid November lol.

@Aisukohi: yeah I've been trying to work out an avatar to use some of the new hairs myself. They're so good.

@Aisukohi: I like the way you've used the new loc hairstyle too!

@Aisukohi: You use it well! It's nicely matched. Aaahhh lazy day, always the best kind of day!

@Purpsy: oh that's not too far ahead. You live in the USA?

@Purpsy: hey! I haven't had dinner yet no, it's almost 5:30pm here! I live in the UK :)

@Wildfire: all good thanks, just had a cup of coffee and did the washing up. How about you? How's the decluttering going?

@Aisukohi: I'm doing OK thanks, how are you? Your avatar is amazing!

Hey guys, good evening!

@Wildfire: I get that, decluttering can be such a task but it always feels good when it's done. It's nice to have more space etc. It sounds like you've been pretty productive.
Yes, I'm working on a new short story. WEll, I started it last night, I'm just finishing it off tonight. It's a sci-fi historical story about a doctor who goes back in time to the plague pandemic and gets captured as a witch.

@Wildfire: Oh good luck with that! Housework sucks :/
I'm all good thanks, just doing some work this evening.